Education and Public Outreach goals and priorities 1
Let’s start with introductions Suzanne Jacoby, Communications Manager & former EPO Project Manager Tim Axelrod, EPO Project Scientist (retiring FY16) Emily Acosta, Multimedia Specialist & Webmaster Outreach Advisory Board (re-org pending) Ben Emmons, EPO Project Manager Ed Prather, Education Consultant Ellen Bechtol, Evaluation Specialist TBD: Head of Education and Public Outreach (ETA: September) More to come… April 2016 2
Executive Summary “LSST data will be widely accessible, and discovery opportunities will be available to students and the public as easily as to the professional astronomer. The project design is integrated with the science mission of LSST, aligned with national priorities and responsive to audience need.” Interfaces are provided for different audiences to become actively engaged in science discovery and LSST: General Public, Citizen Science, Classroom Research, Informal Education 3
FAQ What's the connection between EPO and Data Management? What data will the public get compared to [consortium member] researchers? Where will it be served from? What might the interfaces look like? 4
* see LSE-131 for more details EPO + DM A custom EPO alert stream that contains 10% of the full alert stream (~1-2 million nightly) Calibrated image collection, on-demand image delivery, and image cutout service Annual catalog subset (~700 TB = ~13% of full catalog) and nightly data updates (percentage quota *) Best practices (Prototype DAC, web component widgets, automated builds and tests, …) * see LSE-131 for more details 5
…wait, there’s more! Web portal showing off “the greatest movie ever made” and easy access to the public dataset’s “treasure trove of discovery” Public alert stream and Transient Events mobile app Community involvement via Zooniverse citizen science projects Standards-based classroom activities using real LSST science data with professional development support Planetarium and informal science center multimedia illustrating our evolving understanding of the universe: dark matter, dark energy, NEOs, and galactic structure 6
EPO + Cloud EPO will pull a public subset of raw LSST data from the US Data Acquisition Center (DAC) via an Authorized User account The public subset will be stored in a cloud-based EPO Center (EPOC) EPOC will serve as the back-end data store for EPO tools, services, and the public 7
Interface possibilities… Warning: brainstorming and conceptualizing ahead Credit: Robert Alicea 8
Transient Events mobile app 9
Citizen Science projects 10
Classroom activities 11
Planetarium multimedia Credit: Ralf Kähler 12
Web portal 13
How do I get involved? Join the conversation or follow: @lsst @lsstepo 14