Flipping the Institution e-learning, e-teaching, e-literacies The is presentation is about the gap between digital innovation and digital resistance and why the principles of flipped learning could close or widen it. Sue Watling Educational Development and Enhancement Unit (EDEU) University of Lincoln Academic Practice and Technology Conference July 7th 2015 University of Greenwich #uogapt
The struggle with technology is a battle many still face on a day to day basis. http://www.weblogcartoons.com/cartoons/you-v-tech.gif
Image from http://travel-for-soul.blogspot.co.uk/ Digital divides are commonly associated with digital inclusion and accessibility. Other digital divides exist between academics who are or are not digitally confident. Educational technology research has focused on e-learning rather than e-teaching. Flipped learning invites institutions to revisit how VLE are used and how academic staff are supported to use them. Image from http://travel-for-soul.blogspot.co.uk/
UCISA TEL Survey 2014 Drivers for adoption Barriers to development Enhancing quality of learning and teaching Responding to student feedback Barriers to development 1. Lack of time 2. Lack of knowledge 3. Lack of money 4. Institutional/Departmental/School culture Support for academic staff has been identified e.g. JISC LLiDA HEA Flexible Pedagogies UCISA Technology Enhanced Learning Survey
Sue Watling PhD Research - Educational inquiry into the influences on academics towards their virtual learning environments (VLE). - Application of action research methodology to 3 iterative cycles of development of two Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age (TELEDA) courses, 30 Level 7 credits each. Rationale - Focus on e-learning not e-teaching. - Absence of voice from the digitally shy. - Discourse of transformation and enhancement. - Need to unpick rhetoric and reality. Further information http://suewatling.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk Research poster from recent Show and Tell event. Action research methodology has been applied to the development of Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age (TELEDA)courses. The aim is to enhance understanding Iterative structure of TELEDA development
Literature Review Key themes from research literature review Educational technology research predominantly about success stories Other experiences are missing Educational technology research critiqued for lacking theory Scant evidence showing technology has made any difference to learning outcomes We have to unpick the strands of rhetoric and reality
Widening Participation 'C&IT will overcome barriers to higher education, providing improved access and increased effectiveness, particularly in terms of lifelong learning. Physical and temporal obstacles to access for students will be overcome with the help of technology. Those from remote areas, or with work or family commitments need not be disadvantaged. Technology will also allow the particular requirements of students with disabilities to be more effectively met by institutions.' (Report of the NCIHE, 1997: 13.4) Looking backwards to the Dearing Report Looking forward future use of VLE
Data analysis Staff want students to have the best possible learning experience – not necessarily with technology Digital literacies are complex and personal Academics need protected time and space for developing digital confidence Making assumptions about digital ways of working is risky and may lead to failure key themes emerging from research data
Myths of Digital Competence Myths of digital competence – for example: Not everyone is digitally connected, owns a mobile device, has access to a webcam or microphone or a quiet place to work in etc Image from http://www.sodahead.com/living/unicorns-are-they-real-or-legends-what-do-you-believe/question-1780425/?page=3
Data surprise Data suggests unexpected insight into student use of technology Image from http://bwalles.com/surprised-baby-with-blanket-picture/surprised-baby-with-blanket-picture-2/
Conclusion The corollary to e-learning is e-teaching Flipped learning offers opportunities to: revisit institutional support for academics revisit e-elearning, e-teaching and e-literacies Contact details #suewatling swatling@lincoln.ac.uk http://suewatling.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk