CARIBBEAN MARINE ATLAS IOCARIBE ASSEMBLY, April 2017, Cartagena CARIBBEAN MARINE ATLAS Caribbean sea Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean South America Central America N
GENERAL OBJETIVE Sustainable operationalization of an online digital “Caribbean Marine Atlas” technology platform as a support of Integrated Coastal Zone Management - ICZM (with special attention to: coastal hazards, climate change, biodiversity & habitats, fisheries, landbased sources of pollution) and Ecosystem-based Management for CLME. The platform will be implemented in selected countries for regional and national level consultation and decision making. Training, awareness building and dissemination activities will be conducted.
BACKGROUND Phase 2 (2013-2017) Phase 1 (2009-2013) CMA2 works from 2013 in sustainable operationalization of an online digital “Caribbean Marine Atlas” technology platform. IODE is the parent program of CMA 1 and 2 Phase 1 (2009-2013) Phase 2 (2013-2017) Regional platform with indicators Colombia (INVEMAR) - Coordinator National portals of spatial data Barbados – Coordinator Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St Lucia, Trinidad & Tobago and Turks & Caicos The CMA2 project builds upon the experience and lessons learnt in the CMA1 and SPINCAM projects
CMA2 Current countries partners 10 countries directly to CMA2 25 countries by CLME+ Alliance (endorsed at Ministerial level)
PROCESS TO DEVELOP THE CARIBBEAN MARINE ATLAS AND INDICATORS The development of an atlas framework is an effective way to leverage scarce resources to improve access of regional and national scale coastal area management-related data Members inventory and consultation (partners and users) Requirements inventory (inquest to stakeholders) Products and information requirement inventory Design, development and deployment of platform Development of Indicator process information Maintenance in time (layer charging, map creation, users network, updating) Web services, projects or repositories inventory (spatial data) in Caribbean region Analysis of platforms inventory and web design and development (tools) Indicators in process Process: 7. Indicator report 6. Collecting data 5. Validation between countries 4. Methodological sheet proposal and definition 3. Country leadership by indicator 2. Prioritization and selection 1. Inventory Coral Health Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Sea Level Rise - change Coastal population density Fisheries total catch by country Frequency, magnitude and assessment of impact of natural disasters Threatened species Invasive species Strategic Ecosystems coverage or Protected strategic Ecosystems Coastal economic activities 5 regional indicators on implementation within 10 selected at medium term current process level
RELATIONSHIP WITH INTERNATIONAL INITIATIVES AND FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY Products/indicators are developed to support the national reports to the SDG and AICHI targets The permanent and detailed review resulted in a catalogue/collection of 298 information products. each one included a metadata minimum based on ISO 19115 standard. GeoNode is a geospatial content management system for the management and publication of geospatial data. Is a consistent and easy-to-use interface allowing non-specialized users to share data and create interactive maps Atlas platform allows the countries manage their own content, Let them self government over information, with a quality control and technical support from coordination group. Allows manage profiles, roles and groups of users. Owners can control access permissions and use of information
Cooperation and Exchange Expertise Inter-regional taking place between CMA2 and ACMA (African Coastal and Marine Atlas); as well as SPINCAM – Southeast Pacific data and Information Network in support to integrated Coastal Area Management Opportunities in awareness building and dissemination activities are being conducted through: Share and receive experiences International coastal Atlas network - ICAN. Gain expertise and skills through regional training center at IODE Ocean Teacher Global Academy (OTGA). INVEMAR is the Regional Training Center–OTGA for LatinAmerica Communication strategies Monthly teleconferences, annual steering committee, mailing list, scientific-technical events presentations at national and regional level (GIAL, GCFI, CIIMARGOMC, CoastGIS, COLACMAR, SENALMAR, etc.), news and dissemination material
CLME+ and CMA2 Strategic synergies Providing better information for decision-makers to support ICZM and a successful SAP implementation (CLME) CLME+ UNDP/GEF “CLME+ Project”, member countries jointly delivered a 10-year Strategic Action Programme (SAP) “for the Sustainable Management of shared Living Marine Resources” for the Caribbean and North Brazil Shelf LME’s. CMA2 CMA2 complements and is completely synergistic with the actions and activities of other projects and initiatives linked to the implementation of this CLME+ SAP.
Steering Group CMA2 February 15th -17th, 2017 - Cartagena, Colombia
COMMITMENTS Permanent enhancement and complementation of contents of CMA2 website. Each National Focal Point NFP must be active part of one of the specialized workgroups of CMA2 (Technological, Communication or Production) Upload national information (10 thematic layers/country, 10 documents/country -at least) through a technical expert on GeoNode by country, following a protocol purposed. NFP manage the report of indicators selected Confirm leader of each NFP in the countries (Technical contact Direct) (pending Dominica and Panamá). More countries are expected to add….
COMMITMENTS NFP management to dissemination of CMA2 platform within national decision makers / dissemination of project on national events Contribution of each country with news and events to publish on web Generate link to CMA2 platform from web page of each institution of NFP CMA2 platform is support SAP report to CLME + project Communication framework include permanent divulgation of project and its results to consolidate it as a best practice of Caribbean information repository.