Topic Map & SMIL Prototypes KUL-ESAT-DOCARCH MultiReader <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Topic Map & SMIL Prototypes KUL-ESAT-DOCARCH <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
First Topic Map prototypes Topic Map creation Using XTM syntax - XML Topic Map DTD 1.0 Topic Map design Definition of Topic Types Definition of Occurrence Types for each Topic Definition of Association Types between topics Topic Map editing Creation of Real topics of a certain Topic Type Creation of occurrences and associations between topics and occurrences Creation of associations of a certain type between real topics <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
Topic Map Prototypes <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Topic Map environment Topic Map processing: 2 approaches ‘XSLT’ approach ‘Specific Topic Map software’ approach Ontopia Toolkit (Java) Application environment - quick start both web applications Java servlet technology <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
Topic Map Prototypes <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> XSLT approach Conversion Topic Map HTML environment List of all topics List of all topic types Conversion Topic Map SVG environment Topic Map search demo General Topic Map showcase (technical view), software can be used for other Topic Maps <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
Topic Map Prototypes <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Specific TM-software approach Ontopia toolkit Java implementation In-memory storage of Topic Map constructs More specific built for our recipe prototype <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
Topic Map prototypes <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Xslt advantages XML W3C standard XML advantages Software independent Platform independent, flexible … Flexible to change output (html listview, html detailview, svg view, etc.) Xslt disadvantages Not flexible for Topic Map processing hard to select topics from the map etc. <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
Topic Map prototypes <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Ontopia advantages Better suited for navigating / processing a Topic Map Ontopia disadvantages Software vendor dependent Mixture of software and publication part Not so easy to change output (html listview, html detailview, svg view) <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
Future Plans - Proposal for the next Topic Map prototype Combining the advantages of the first prototypes Combination of the Ontopia approach and the XSLT approach A Topic Map preprocessor (Ontopia or DOM application) in combination with a formatter (XSLT) <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
…next Topic Map prototype Task preprocessor Preprocessing of the global Topic Map Generating a ‘mini’ Topic Map with all relevant information cfr. the user request. Result set = all information of 1 of more topics in XTM syntax. Application independent Can be used for cookbook prototype, reused for tourist guide etc. Ontopia application or DOM application or database storage of TM = research item <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
…next Topic Map prototype Task XSLT engine The publication part Publication of the ‘mini’ topic map = result of the preprocessor Flexible Publication: html listview of topics, html detail view, svg view etc. Interacts with the user interface (gets parameter info of UI) for scope handling (f.e. language) selected view (listview, detailview, svg etc.) Application dependent like the TM & UI <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
TM & SMIL - ideas <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Topic occurrences (occurrence results after TM preprocessing and XSLT formatting of mini TM) in a (double) SMIL wrapper Example: The topic ‘Paris’ 2 occurrences: a text fragment of Paris and a picture of Paris 3 ‘alternative media‘ occurrences: a speech version of the text fragment, a text version of the picture and a speech version of the text variant of the picture Goal: each user in the MultiReader environment needs a different combination of occurrences = a personalized multimedia presentation <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
TM & SMIL - ideas <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Possible solution: ‘Base’ occurrence with ‘alternatives’ in a SMIL wrapper. Resulting in 4 occurrences in our example: the 2 base occurrences and 2 SMIL occurrences, one for each base occurrence. ‘user (media) profile’ on SMIL level (f.e. I want text and sound for each occurrence, no video, no pictures) = item for research Transforming the Topic Map world to a MultiReader world = providing for each topic occurrence a SMIL variant which provides alternative media for that occurrence = SMIL fragments <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
TM & SMIL - ideas <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Next step: combining the SMIL fragments in a personalized Multimedia presentation Extra SMIL wrapper / info for the position and synchronization of the different SMIL occurrences / fragments = 2 layers of SMIL??? Also need for a wrapper in the normal topic map occurrence world for presenting the occurrences F.E. a SMIL wrapper which provides one occurrence after the other (sequence of <seq> elements) SMIL wrapper or HTML template or …. ???? Seocnd wrapper could be dynamically built based on UI settings (interaction with the user) <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>
TM & SMIL - ideas <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> Synchronization problem How synchronize pieces of multimedia fragments? F.E.: synchronizing each step of the preparation of a meal (all steps in one textual occurrence) with the corresponding pieces within the video occurrence? Video fragment and text both part of the ‘SMIL’ occurrence of occurrence type preparation. Same for text-speech SMIL ??? <?MultiReader_Topic Map Prototype?> <?Research Group on Document Architectures?>