EUCIP for Career Planning EUCIP for Competence & Career Planning 16th of March 2011 Estonia's competitiveness & export potential of IT Professionals 2011.03.16. EUCIP for Career Planning EUCIP for Competence and Career planning in Norway Renny Bakke Amundsen CEO, EUCIP Norway A statement about the e-CF and how there is synergy and support of the e-CF from CEPIS with EUCIP. e-CF - Clementina Marinoni: and further developments of the framework. © Experience from Norway by Renny B. Amundsen
DND & EICIP Norge The Norwegian Computer Society Gateway to ICT Knowledge Network IT Professional’s Skill Card EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
EUCIP for Career planning & Competence development: Table of contents EUCIP for Career planning & Competence development: Why do IT professions need an international, vendor- and program- neutral certificate? Why is the EUCIP Competence Scheme useful as such? Certification process for IT Specialists - Norway’s experience The benefits of international IT professionals’ EUCIP certification -> How to define-, describe- and measure- IT Professional -competence based on an international framework. -> How this can be beneficial for customers, employers and employees and how learning providers can fill the competence gap. EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Why & How in Norway? Recognize, document and protect industry competence & skills standards for IT professionals In need of a standard way to describe measure & compare IT professionals' competencies In need of goal-oriented training plans and stimulate professional career planning & development Promote knowledge of the EUCIP standard within the media and public authorities Create enthusiasm for EUCIP as a general competency standard within the membership of the co-operating organizations Assist recognized educational institutions in developing EUCIP training programmes by identifying the industry's needs for skills development EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
EUCIP Professional - 21 Profiles of information systems EUCIP Framework VOCATIONAL STRUCTURE Based on the needs of User industry and IT services industry. Industry Structure Model (ISM) EUCIP Professional - 21 Profiles Professional Level Typically 800 hours of study time Mix of vendor and vendor –independent Courses and Qualification PLAN The use and management of information systems BUILD Acquisition, development and implementation of information systems OPERATE Operations and Support of Information systems CORE LEVEL Typically 400 hours of study time Compulsory EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
IS Lifecycle PLAN OPERATE BUILD *A1 Organisations… *A2 Management of IT *A3 ... Value of IT *A4 Global…Econ. *A5 Project Mgmt. *A6 Collab.&Comm. *A7 Legal&Eth. Computing…Arch.*C1 Operating Systems*C2 Comm.s&Networks*C3 Network Services*C4 Wireless&Mob.*C5 Network Mgmt.*C6 Service Deliv.&Support*C7 PLAN OPERATE BUILD *B3 Programming *B1 SD Process&Meth. *B2 Data Mgmt.&DBs *B4 UI&Web Design EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
EUCIP Core – Sample Test EUCIP for Competence & Career Planning 16th of March 2011 EUCIP Core – Sample Test EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride Experience from Norway by Renny B. Amundsen
Pass Mark: 60% EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Learning Providers EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
EUCIP Professional - 21 Profiles of information systems EUCIP Framework VOCATIONAL STRUCTURE Based on the needs of User industry and IT services industry. Industry Structure Model (ISM) EUCIP Professional - 21 Profiles Professional Level Typically 800 hours of study time Mix of vendor and vendor –independent Courses and Qualification PLAN The use and management of information systems BUILD Acquisition, development and implementation of information systems OPERATE Operations and Support of Information systems CORE LEVEL Typically 400 hours of study time Compulsory EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Profile Specification EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
EUCIP for Competence & Career Planning 16th of March 2011 EUCIP Framework 21 Profiles: Comp. Structure 3 Modules Plan - Build – Operate 18 Subjects 155 categories 2.500 elements Skills- & Competence- Definition & Requirement EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride Experience from Norway by Renny B. Amundsen 12
Competence per Profile EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
CEPIS Convergence to e-CF EUCIP for Competence & Career Planning 16th of March 2011 CEPIS Convergence to e-CF CEPIS fully supporting and EUCIP is in line with the e-CF developments EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride Experience from Norway by Renny B. Amundsen
EUCIP for Competence & Career Planning 16th of March 2011 Prof. Exam Procedure Candidate EUCIP Norge Examination Board Certified Candidate Application Prequalification Oral Exam A EUCIP Professional Application form Europass CV Portfolio Comp. Cover map Relevant competence: Education Certificates Experience Present a project from Portfolio Questions Evaluation Feedback EUCIP Professional Frame Work EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride Experience from Norway by Renny B. Amundsen 15
Roadmap or Radar Competence & career: => The HR Approach Standardization of ICT Competence: Define Describe Measure Development EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
EU Skills Survey I The aims of the project are: To provide picture of the competences of ICT practitioners in Europe today an individual profile report showing gap analysis against e-CF competences a country report that enables each county to be benchmarked against the European results a pan-European report EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Respondents by Proximity profile (all countries) EU Skills Survey II Respondents by Proximity profile (all countries) EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Personal Report Competences required by the represented profile Competence required by the profile but where respondent has deficiency Competences that exceed those required by the profile 31/01/10 – (V4) – pg. 19 EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Support & Partners "EUCIP is a common language for describing skills, and we will strongly recommend that our members start speaking this language" EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Support & Partners “Certainly there are a number of certifications for specific products, but a general competency standard has been sorely missed." EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
Objective, Neutral & Independent Sponsored 4 candidates from partners for: “ To prove their skills as - Objective - Independent & - Neutral in the market “ Ole Tom Seierstad Chief Security Advisor Microsoft Norway EUCIP -> Knowledge is Pride
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