The deadline to register your child is July 30th Via Treviso 29 – 00161 – Roma Child name Place of birth Age Parent names Address Mobile Email 1 day From 7.45 up 12.30 € 40 From 7,45 up 16,00 € 50 From 7,45 up 18,30 € 60 1 week From 7.45 up 12.30 € 160 From 7,45 up 16,00 € 190 From 7,45 up 18,30 € 200 The deadline to register your child is July 30th The total amount has to be paid and a copy of the bank transfer has to be sent within 5 th September IBAN: IT 58 A 01005 03231 000000000 821 You can contact the school directly via email by sending the forms to register and a copy of payment, put always in cc Pia and Alba. Please contact the conference secretary for information about Hotel nearest to school
medical history of the child issued by the pediatrician Via Treviso 29 – 00161 – Roma Memo for parents medical history of the child issued by the pediatrician copy of the vaccination certificate These documents should be sent together with registration form transparent plastic bags for dirty clothes antislip socks or slippers a full change from the bag, pants, shirt, socks, wet wipes disposable diapers bibs of paper baby bottles personal effects for cleaning, for example, cream for the baby's bottom Everything must be labeled with the child's name
Name of authorized person Via Treviso 29 – 00161 – Roma Authorization Form to be completed if persons other than parents take the baby. The authorized person must present his/her identification document Child _____________________________________________ Child’s Parent_____________________________________ ID Child’s Parent __________________________ I authorize the following person to accompany and take my son/daughter from “La Maisonnette” school Name of authorized person Document number Signature
Date _______________________ Signature____________________ Via Treviso 29 – 00161 – Roma It 's very important to communicate food intolerances and allergies to the school If the child has a Temperature (over 38 °) I authorize you to give of 125-250 mg of paracetamol (Tachipirina) Date _______________________ Signature____________________ I agree that the school is authorized to deny children who have principles of fever to the school Date _______________________ Signature____________________
Via Treviso 29 – 00161 – Roma