RLF-ED Program Webinar March 28 and 30, 2017
Areas of Discussion Update of the RLF-ED Compliance Report Relocation and Acquisition Marketing the RLF-ED Program 4
RLF-ED Compliance Report 3
Submission Information Submit report and supporting information by Monday May 15, 2017 To: DOADEHCRCommunityDevelopment@wisconsin.gov Any time a document is submitted to DOA, please make sure the UGLG’s name is in the Subject line of email and is in the document’s name. For example: Brown Cty 3-31-2017 RLF-ED Compliance Rpt or Brown County 2017 Self Certs 4
Required Documents to Submit 3/31/2017 RLF-ED Compliance Report 3/31/2017 Bank Statement(s); Money Market Statement(s); Investment Statement(s) General Ledger covering the period 10/1/2016 through 3/31/2017 3/31/2017 Balance Sheet or General Ledger that has the balance of each RLF-ED loan Documentation of administrative expenses Employee Self-Certification forms 5
RLF Tab Column D – “Environmental Review Documents on File” Used to keep track if Federal environmental review requirements were followed by UGLG In most situations to comply with Federal requirements, the UGLG needs to complete a Statement of Activities and Determination of Exemption or Statement of Activities, Determination of Exemption and Statutory Checklist DEHCR will review and send Letter of Concurrence 6
RLF Tab Column D – “Environmental Review Documents on File” Column is completed by DEHCR and is a protected cell UGLG must review column. If environmental review Letter of Concurrence was received and column indicates NO, call DEHCR More information about Environmental Reviews can be found in the RLF-ED PowerPoint from September 2016 7
RLF Tab Column R - “Outstanding Loan Per Supporting Documents” was added on the 9/30/2016 report About 20% of the UGLG’s did not complete this column. The UGLG must complete this column If Column S – “Difference” does not indicate zero, the UGLG must explain the reason for the difference and indicate if the amount in Column Q – “Outstanding Loan” or the amount in Column S is correct 8
Loan Collection Tab Make sure there are separate tabs for each loan that is listed on the RLF tab as Delinquent, Defaulted or Bankrupt Make sure the collection efforts that were done from 10/1/2016 through 3/31/2017 is indicated on each of the Collection Tabs More information about Collection Activities can be found in the RLF-ED PowerPoint from September 2016 9
Administrative Expense Tab Actual or direct charges Must be documented and Directly relate to the RLF-ED Overhead is not allowed Employee’s payroll charges must be documented in a schedule Expenses cannot supplant normal budget Must be charges from current period 10
Administrative Expense Tab More information about Administrative Expenses can be found in the RLF-ED PowerPoint from September 2016 The Carryover of Administrative Charges line from first half year is filled in If Difference line is positive, then UGLG needs to reimburse RLF-ED program for the administrative expenses that were greater than the allowable amount 11
Administrative Expense Tab Enter the amount on the Reconciliation Tab under “Deductions to Account During Current Period - Other Section” This amount will be a reconciling items for the Bank Account Reconciliation Have municipality write out a check to the RLF-ED fund for this amount or transfer by journal entry 12
Reconciliation Tab The Financial Reconciliation section has been deleted Indicating the “Outstanding Amount of the Loans per Supporting Documentation” on the RLF tab has eliminated the need for this section 13
RLF Performance Tab New section added to bottom of page (line 79) List the name of all employees hired during the performance period At the end of the performance period indicate if the employee is still employed 14
Employee Self Certification Forms The forms that are effective 4/1/2017 will be found at http://www.doa.state.wi.us/Divisions/Housing/Bureau-of-Community-Development/Employee-Self-Certification 15
Relocation And Acquisition 16
Relocation and Acquisition The information in this webinar for Relocation and Acquisition only applies to Economic Development and RLF-ED funds If municipalities have received CDBG funds for planning, public facilities or public facilities economic development projects, then the instructions in the Public Facilities Implementation Manual apply URA is the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Act of 1970 as amended (49 CFR 24) 17
Relocation and Acquisition Difference is due to requirements for governmental entity versus private entity Acquisitions by a non-public entity are typically conducted without the threat of eminent domain; however certain notification procedures under URA must be followed 18
Relocation and Acquisition Acquisitions The UGLG/business notifies the owner in writing of the property’s market value; and The UGLG/business notifies the owner prior to making an offer, that it will not acquire property if an amicable settlement cannot be reached 19
Relocation and Acquisition Takes place after the acquisition is complete The seller of property is not eligible for relocation compensation Tenants may be eligible if they are to be displaced or relocated If a homeowner, residential tenant, business (including non-profits and farms) or business tenant will or may potentially be displaced, the UGLG should ensure the business provides the tenant with the applicable brochure at the time of the initial contact (Wisconsin Relocation Rights Residential or Wisconsin Relocation Rights for Businesses, Farms and Non-profits) 20
Marketing the RLF-ED Program 21
Marketing your RLF Program Contact your local lenders Outreach to businesses Educate your local elected officials Discussions with county or regional organizations 22
Marketing your RLF Program Collaboration Please submit successful program marketing ideas you’re willing to share to DOADEHCRCommunityDevelopment@wisconsin.gov We will gather the submissions and send to all webinar participants (submissions will be anonymous) 23
RLF-ED Utilization If you’re not actively making loans consider giving it back to the State of Wisconsin Would eliminate semi-annual reporting and webinar attendance requirements Still eligible to apply for CDBG-ED funds and could recapitalize an RLF-ED in the future 24
Path to Public Facilities Implementation Handbook http://www.doa.state.wi.us/Divisions/Housing/Bureau-of-Community-Development/CDBG-PF-Program-Overview/#handbook 25
Will be found under the Publication Section Path to Wisconsin Relocation Rights Residential or Wisconsin Relocation Rights for Businesses, Farms and Non-Profits Will be found under the Publication Section http://www.doa.state.wi.us/Divisions/Energy-Housing-and-Community-Resources/Relocation-Assistance 26
Path to Prior PowerPoint slides and webinars http://www.doa.state.wi.us/Divisions/Housing/Training/Training-Archive 27