Stephanie Benson, MD Brandy Deffenbacher, MD Miranda Huffman, MD, MEd Managing Up Stephanie Benson, MD Brandy Deffenbacher, MD Miranda Huffman, MD, MEd Stephanie
Objectives Recognize how your individual preference can help and hurt your ability to interact with immediate supervisors Identify the goals of your immediate supervisor and use this knowledge to develop an action plan that will meet your goals while also addressing the goals of the supervisor Develop an individualized plan to institute meaningful change in a specific facet of your institution Stephanie
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Who We Are Stephanie Benson Brandy Deffenbacher Miranda Huffman Southern New Mexico Family Medicine Residency Brandy Deffenbacher University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine Miranda Huffman University of Missouri – Kansas City Department of Community and Family Medicine Stephanie
Why are you here? The Peter Principle People are promoted to their level of incompetence, so everyone is bad at their job Leaders in medical education may be excellent clinicians and educators, but may struggle with leadership and management The Peter Principle –Stephanie
Hazards of Junior Faculty Pulled in multiple directions Lack of clear job description Limited administrative support Don’t know the politics Don’t have long-term relationships Boat rockers Threats to others in authority positions Brandy
Solution! Principles initially laid out by John Gabarro and John Kotter in 1980 Harvard Business Review article, “Managing Your Boss” Idea – the relationship between senior executives and middle managers is reciprocal and both individuals have a responsibility for making it a successful relationship. Those on the bottom end can improve the overall outcomes by exercising these principles.
Principles of Managing Up Know your boss Strengths Weaknesses Work styles Communication style Objectives Pressures If you know your boss, you can adjust your work style to complement and support your boss, working better not harder Strengths Weaknesses Work styles – micromanager vs. undermanager Communication style – written vs. verbal Objectives – personal and professional Pressures
Principles of Managing Up Know yourself Strengths Weaknesses Work styles Current job description Resources Long-term goals Triggers for bad behavior Know where your weaknesses are so you can work around them, if your strength matches your bosses weakness (e.g., you’re touchy feely and your boss isn’t, so you offer to handle difficult conversations)
Principles of Managing Up Work around your boss and yourself to make your boss look good ….and make your company/department/program successful!
What You Need To Know Your job description Your salary breakdown If you don’t have one, draft one and ask for approval Also your future job descriptions Your salary breakdown Regular tracking of how you’re doing on measured items Your current resources Financial, space, administrative support What you need to do your job well Miranda
General Advice Be loyal, discreet, and forgiving Pick your battles Use your boss wisely Time Resources Political capital Own your mistakes
Learning Your Boss Ask colleagues for help figuring your boss out Faculty development with introspective exercises, like Myers Briggs testing Ask your boss!
Discussion What have you seen junior faculty do well for the success of the department/program? What have you seen junior faculty mess up? What happened because of this?
Self-Evaluation Exercise
Self-Evaluation Debriefing What did you notice on doing this? Where there questions you didn’t know the answer to?
Brain-Storming Exercise What do you need to learn about your boss to help you be more successful? What can you do differently yourself to improve your relationships with your boss? What is one thing you would like to change in your department/program, and how you can leverage these principles to change them?
Brain-Storming Debriefing Share your great ideas!
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