HOLDING THE GAINS – KEY STRATEGIES Ownership System engineering Measure Sponsorship
OWNERSHIP One individual continues to champion HPV initiation Integrated into their job description Reviews data (see measure slide) Periodically communicates the status of HPV data at staff meetings Promotes celebrating efforts to hold the gains
SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Hardware sustainability of HPV initiation Consider standing orders in EMR Integrate HPV vaccine standard operating procedures into clinic policy Train newly hired staff to include HPV as routine adolescent schedule Train newly hired staff about continuous quality improvement (measuring HPV initiation as part of overall quality care)
MEASURE Simplify and streamline any ongoing measurement Reduce the number to the most meaningful if processes are in place For HPV since we only looked at initiation of vaccine in ages 11-12 years (boys and girls) you could continue to use same measure Reduce the frequency of measuring Once the project ends, consider a follow-up measure period at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year
SPONSORSHIP Communicate with ‘decision-makers’ who can continue to support quality care delivery to patients Develop HPV presentations to align with other quality vaccine goals within the practice Build culture of quality and safety within your practice
THANK YOU Utah Pediatric Partnership to Improve Healthcare Quality (UPIQ) Diane Liu, MD (Director) Dawn Bentley, RN (Quality Improvement Specialist)