LYNN COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT TAHOKA, TEXAS “A Compassionate group of professionals committed to healing our communities”
Lynn County Hospital was designated by Medicare as a Critical Access Hospital in 2004. Healthcare is a very personal experience. The size of our facility and our family oriented environment allows us to provide personalized care utilizing a team approach. We at Lynn County Hospital District do our very best to meet and exceed expectations.
Our goal is to keep healthcare local for our Patients Our goal is to keep healthcare local for our Patients. Lynn County Hospital District proudly hosts five clinics. Patients can make appointments with any of our fine medical professionals! Patrick Edwards, M.D. Family Wellness Clinic Donald Freitag M.D. Specialty Clinic Tele-med O’Donnell Clinic
Lynn County Hospital District (LCHD) and the Texas Department of Health (TDH) provides our residents with emergency response teams that provide a lifesaving link between ill or injured individuals and medical care in Lynn County. Lynn County Hospital District operates the County 911 System and covers 892 square miles.
DSRIP IN ACTION THE BEGINNING LCHD has been involved with the Waiver project from Day 1. The planning meetings held across the region were interesting and terrifying at best….NONE of us knew what was in store! We had hoped to include Garza County and County of Lynn also but that did not pan out so we tackled it with the help of Bobbye and her staff and cannot believe where we started and where we are now.
How Simple Was IT??
LCHD DSRIP PROGRAM Our goal was to improve LCHD’S ability to reduce non-emergent ER visits and to provide low-income, high risk patients with quality health care at lower cost to patients. To achieve this project, LCHD hired a Patient Navigator to oversee the LCHD Indigent/Charity Program full time. Patient Navigator job description entails making contact with uninsured E.R. and Clinic Patients, as well as screening and processing Applications for financial assistance.
DSRIP IN ACTION DY-2 We began with 69 patients enrolled in our financial assistance program and our milestones included hiring the patient navigator and conducting a needs assessment for our county. DY2 was worth $26,790 for LCHD…this may seem small to many of you but for us it was huge!
DSRIP IN ACTION DY-3 DY3 we serviced 104 clients which far exceeded our goal. We began the qualitative surveys which were quite a chore trying to decided if it was positive or negative score?!?!? Our project money increased to $56,460.
DSRIP IN ACTION DY-4 DY4 we blew the top off our program with 352 clients serviced in all. CMS was so proud they increased our goals for us! We finally were able to understand and make the surveys work and we surpassed our goals there. Our project value this year was $34,729.
DSRIP IN ACTION DY-5 DY5 we enrolled 208 patients and were able to meet the CMS goals. Our satisfaction surveys increased; validating that our project was important to our clients and they were getting more from it than we hoped. Our project funds were $43,658.
DSRIP IN ACTION DY6 Now to DY6! We are close to our goal for October reporting with 131 clients serviced half way thru the year. Our waiver money this year is $250,000 which we are so thankful for the additional funding and so thankful that we are able to provide the funds to IGT.
LCHD DSRIP MILESTONES AND METRICS ACCOMPLISHMENTS In the process of screening uninsured Patients, Patient Navigator has been able to provide primary care assistance to those most needy, uninsured, low income families in our county. Patient Navigator has established strong, trusting relationships with Patients. Patient Navigator has been able to help and assist eligible Indigent and Charity Patients to obtain Medicaid and Medicare.
LCHD DSRIP MILESTONES AND METRICS ACCOMPLISHMENTS Patient Navigator has established a valuable network with Texas Workforce Commission, DARS (Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, South Plains Community Action, SSI/SSDI Disability Advocates/Attorneys, and other Social Service Agencies. Patient Navigator, by working collectively with these groups, has not only helped provide uninsured population with quality primary health care needs, but has also provided hope and a better life for those less fortunate, economically disadvantaged residents of our county.
SUMMARY We see nothing but continued success for our Patient Navigator program at LCHD with or without Waiver money. The success stories are amazing and truly heart warming and we realize that healthcare in Lynn County is much improved due to LCHD’s Waiver 1115 projects!