The Outback Charger Group 1 : Breanna Heffernan, Jeremy Kinney, Marty McKenna, Jennifer Nelson, Cameron Turner
idea Charger to be used in remote locations No electricity necessary Cost efficient
Alternative solutions USB Chargers -Cost Body Heat Charger -Low power produced Stirling Engines -Cost, Pressure
The design Progress separated for safety reasons from electrical section Current outline of our present design
Design progress 4 USB ports -4 USB ports wired in series to charge multiple devices at once 1N4001 diode -Factor of safety Regulator Chip -Influenced by Dr. Comeau 7805 voltage regulator regulates voltages to 5V which is what a USB needs Paul recommended more USB ports Researched data sheet for 1n4001 diode states that it can handle up to 50V and a typical phone battery is only 5V, this gives us a factor of safety of 10 Known chip, Frank suggested it
DESIGN PROGRESS CON’T Direct current generator Pistons -Rough estimate of size
Outline of goals Solve for work to be put into system to achieve desired RPM Design and dimension boiler -Safety shutoff valve, steam condenser Design and dimension check valves Research materials for casing Steam leakage outlet
Consultations Dr. Frank Comeau Dr. Carl Adams Craig Seaboyer (Electronics Consultant)
Any questions?