Forensic Anthropology A Brief Intro
Distinguishable Traits Age Sex Race Approximate Height Health
Males vs. Females Overall Male Female Thicker Rougher Bumpy Smooth Less knobby
Males vs. Females Male Female Skull Male Female Low/sloping frontal bone Square eye orbits Square jaw (90 degrees) Square chin Occipital protuberance High/rounded frontal bone Circular eye orbits Sloped jaw (greater than 90 degrees) Round/V-shaped chin Male Female
Males vs. Females Female Male Pelvis Male Female Narrow sub-pubic angle Heart-shaped pelvic cavity Scars on surface if she had children Wide sub-pubic angle Round pelvic cavity Male
Age By about age 30, the suture at the back of the skull will have closed. By about age 32, the suture running across the top of the skull, back to front, will have closed. By about age 50, the suture running side to side over the top of the skull, near the front, will have closed.
Height Found by measuring humerus (upper arm) and femur (thigh) Formulas dependent on: Males Females Races Unknowns (less accurate)
Race Characteristics that differ: Caucasoid Negroid Mongoloid Shape of eye Rounded, somewhat square Rectangular Rounded, somewhat circular Nasal Spine Prominent Very small Somewhat prominent Femur Fingers fit under curvature Fingers will not fit Finger fit under curvature
Other characteristics Right/Left handed Diet & Nutrition Diseases & Genetic Disorders Osteoporosis Arthritis Scoliosis Osteogenesis imperfecta Previous Fractures Work/Sports Childbirth