Unit #1 Cultural Anthropology
Culture The entire way of life of a group of people in a defined location.
Geography The study of where people, places, and things are located and how they relate to each other. There are 5 themes to geography Movement Region Location Interaction Place MR LIP
Theme #1 Movement Movement of people, goods, and ideas Trade-movement of goods Import/export Diffusion: Spread of ideas - religion, political ideas, technology. Westernization: Adopting of Western Culture Interdependence- The mutual dependence of countries on goods, resources and knowledge from other parts of the world Globalization: The interdependence of a global economy. Who benefits most? Pros & Cons
Impacts of Movement Imperialism: One country controls, the political, economic, or cultural life of another Ethnocentrism: Judging other cultures by the standards of one’s own culture Racism: The belief that one racial group is superior than another
Theme #2 Region An area with its own unifying characteristics Physical characteristics (climate/landforms) Cultural Aspects Political/Government Democracy- all people are involved in the decision making process Dictatorship- one person has absolute power over the government Republic-people elect representatives to govern on their behalf. Economic Traditional- Older economic systems Market- government is “hands off” Command- Controlled by the Government only Mixed- a hybrid, a combination of market and command Religion Monotheism Polytheism
Theme # 3 Location Position on the earth’s surface Relative location-where a place is in reference to another Latitude: Measures distances North and South of the Equator (shown as a horizontal line) Longitude: Measures distances East or West of the Prime Meridian (shown as a vertical line)
Theme #4 Interaction between People & Environment How we change the world around us to meet our needs How people adapt to their environment Hidden costs-our actions have impacted the environment Pollution, killing species
Theme #5 Place Physical and human characteristics of a location What society is like Layout of the land
Types of Maps Physical Political Forests Topography (elevation, landforms) Rivers/Oceans Political Countries States County lines
Other Vocab Refugees: people who flee their homeland to seek safety elsewhere Sanctions: actions by states to force another to comply with the law United Nations: The world organization set up and run by multiple countries. The purpose is to solve world social and economic problems. Political Ideology: Political and Economic beliefs of a particular country. Archeology: Study of physical artifacts from the ancient world to piece together history.