Bexar County Constable Office PCT#4 Training Provider ID# 029204 Instructor - Course Evaluation MATRIX Course/Lesson Name:_____________________________________ TCOLE #_______________Page __of __ Instructor Name_________________________________________ PID#________________ Date_________ IDENTITY CRIMES 3277 1 Functional Area: (Likert scale used: 1 Unacceptable 2 Poor 3 Satisfactory 4 Good 5 Excellent ) Rec’d # Participants Average Comment Instructor Appearance Instructor presented lesson clearly and logically Instructor displayed general knowledge of lesson delivered Instructor was easy to understand Instructor answered all questions thoroughly Instructor covered all learning objectives thoroughly Lesson goals were achieved Instructor demeanor was professional Participant handout with sources and references were helpful Were knowledge and skills taught helpful to you Classroom facilities Did the lesson PowerPoint used help participant to visualize learning objectives Reviewed by:_______________________ Date:____________ Instructor:______________________ Date:___________ TCOLE Agency Training Coordinator
Comments: IDENTITY CRIMES #3277