INTERNATIONal office Malmö university International staff training week 2013
Organisation Responsibility shared between Deputy Vice Chancellor for Education and Pro Vice Chancellor for Research Central administration Division of Student Affairs Section Support and Services International Office International Coordinators, both administrative and academic at the Faculties Minternet MALMÖ uNIVERSITY Sweden
STEERING DOCUMENTS Strategy 2020, recently adopted Malmö University Action plan for Internationalisation 2011-2013 Action plan International Office 2013 MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Sweden
Work with focus on: Mobility Support to Vice Chancellor’s office, Management and to faculties Networking and international relations Malmö University Sweden
MOBILITY Increase international mobility for students and staff to secure international merits. (from Action Plan for 2011-2013) To achieve the goals we need cooperation agreements. Within Europa – Erasmus- and Nordplus agreements. Outside Europa – bilateral agreements on university- or faculty level. Information on agreements and mobility is gathered in the database Moveon MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Sweden
PROGRAMS/AKTIVITIES WITH GRANTS FOR MOBILITY Erasmus Erasmus EILC Linnaeus-Palme MFS Erasmus Mundus Action II EU/Australien – Border Crossings INU Student Seminar/INU Master Summer School Model UN Erasmus intensive programme Tempus Nordplus MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Sweden
OUTGOING STUDENTS INCOMING STUDENTS 100% increase in applications between 2011/2012 and 2012/2013. INCOMING STUDENTS Increasing number of exchange students. New tasks – introduction for international students. Problems: accommodation Malmö university Sweden
STAFF MOBILITY Annual contact trips - Mah Erasmus teacher and staff mobility Erasmus Mundus Action 2 teacher and staff mobility INU Staff Shadowing programme Nordplus teacher and staff mobility Linneaus-Palme MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Sweden
NETWORKS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS INU – International Network of Universities Santander Group – General Assembly in Malmö 14-16/6 2012 Dorich House Group Visit planning, program, representation Visits to partner universities and Student Fairs Conferences: EAIE, NAFSA MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Sweden
IaH Internationalisation at Home Contact for IaH – questions Malmö is internationally known for IaH via the EAIE. MALMÖ UNIVERSITY Sweden
SUPPORT TO FACULTIES AND CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION Support concerning mobility Agreements Information on financial support for international cooperation Double Degrees LP advice and application Visit planning, program, representation Various questions concerning internationalisation Malmö University Sweden