Mindfulness in Education Personal practice Personal mission Professional mission Persistence As it stands – approximately 40 people signed up for the overview session across most of our districts An Overview of the Research and Getting Started Liane Benedict
Mindful Moment Focus on the Breath Key tenet is personal practice & development of the skills and strategies Mindful Posture Body Scan What did you notice? Focus on the Breath
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally. ~ Jon Kabat Zinn (MBSR) Bringing awareness to one’s experience – mindfulness can be applied to our senses, thoughts, and emotions by using sustained attention and noticing our experience without over-identifying. ~ Mindful Schools Mindfulness is paying attention here and now, with kindness and curiosity, and then choosing your behavior. ~ Amy Satlzman A core component of mindfulness is focus on the breath
Research Highlights ~ Excerpts Connect Groups of 5 Each take a quote/excerpt from the collection Read & React Each share in turn. Others may add comments.
What’s Happening? Overview Session - March Book Study – in progress Pilot with students Support development of personal practice Build a network Training opportunities ongoing
Box Breathing Practice Hold breath for 4 counts Breath in for 4 counts Breath out for 4 counts Hold breath for 4 counts