Rules of the Road Book Review for the Illinois State Written Exam: Areas of Focus First: Review your highlighted book/packet handout Review your SIGNS Intersections (ROW’s)
Rules of the Road Book Review Know that headlights are required when: -in poor weather condition, poor visibility, and from dusk to dawn Know when curfew hours are enforced What to do in a hydroplane: -release accelerator and let your vehicle slow down
Rules of the Road Book Review Headlight usage: -dimming brightened headlights should be done ____feet before meeting and ____feet before passing another vehicle Pavement markings: -know what a single solid yellow line (your side), single solid yellow line (opposite side), and double solid lines mean When a light turns green at an intersection what should you do? -should you go automatically or yield right of way(s) and go when clear?
Rules of the Road Book Review What do you do when an emergency vehicle using lights and siren is approaching your vehicle? -pull to the right-hand edge of roadway and stop if necessary What causes most rear-end collisions? -vehicles following to closely In residential/business areas continuous signals need to be given (ft)? -At least 100ft. before turning
Rules of the Road Book Review Passing vehicles and changing lanes: -make sure you can see the vehicle in your rearview mirror before coming back over Yielding right of way when exiting alley, private road, driveways, parking lots – stop and yield before going Tires leaving roadway – if your tires hit the shoulder do not slam your brakes or swing back on the roadway; release gas/grip wheel
Rules of the Road Book Review Largest reason for fatal motor vehicle accidents is: alcohol Railroad crossings: what to do after train clears? Check for another train Safety Belts: Drivers and front-seat passengers 8 and above must wear safety belts in Illinois, under age 8 they should be secured in a restraining system within the vehicle
Rules of the Road Book Review Can you lawfully access private property to avert a traffic control device? While driving can you wear headsets or have a television set visible from the driver’s seat? When approaching railroad crossing’s you should: -slow down, look, and listen to check the crossing to see if it is clear
Rules of the Road Book Review Driving privileges may be revoked for: -being under the influence, racing, leaving accidents Know each of the requirements that need to be fulfilled for reinstatement of license after (DUI) If you begin to skid what should you do: -turn front wheels in direction of the skid
Rules of the Road Book Review Stopping your vehicle at a stop sign: stop at marked line (if there), before entering intersection, or before entering crosswalk When right turns at a red light are allowed you should: make a complete stop, give the right of way(s), and turn using caution Refusing tests for suspicion of being under the influence will result in: 6 mo. suspension first offense, 3 yr for 2 or more refusals within 5 yrs., can be used as evidence in court
Rules of the Road Book Review Can you legally pass on the shoulder of a roadway Know why your driver’s license can be suspended when related to a DUI: (i.e.) legal limits, chemical tests, road tests (by officer) Driving in foggy weather: drive at speeds that will allow you to stop within field of vision
Rules of the Road Book Review Why do many accidents occur at intersections: failure to reduce speed and check both directions You may not drive a motor vehicle (few exceptions) unless you hold a valid license What does a flashing red signal at an intersection mean
Rules of the Road Book Review As an Illinois resident you need to: insure vehicles, carry and be able to produce proof of insurance if needed If you have a green arrow can you turn in the direction of the green arrow with caution at a red light Why can bridges be dangerous in the winter
Rules of the Road Book Review Know motorcyclists rights: do they have the same right of way privileges as others, pay close attention to them, give them full lane Review the section on school buses and know what to do when the stop arm is extended How long will you lose your license if you are convicted of passing a school bus: 3 mo.
Rules of the Road Book Review Know right of ways and when to yield in construction zones Know what to do in case of a tire blowout: grip wheel, release gas, let vehicle slow REVIEW YOUR SIGNS