Assignment #6: Economics Comics The Industrial Revolution was influenced by and gave birth to the new economic theories of socialism, communism and capitalism. These economic theories had a wide influence on how people thought and acted. Capitalist ideas dominated the industrial revolution. Socialist and Communist ideas were reactions to the conditions of the workers. Representing a complex theory in comic/picture format can aid our understanding.
GOAL: Gain a more complex understanding of the economic theories of capitalism, socialism and communism. TASK: Make a representation of one of the economic theories In the form of a 3-6 panel comic. Your comic will be included in a digital class comic book. 6 panel comic This comic is about Garfield. Your comic will be about economic theories of the Industrial Revolution.
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS: Using the textbook as reference, create a comic of at least 3 panels that represents one of the –isms. You MUST include (as text or picture) 1) the meaning of the -ism 2) some of the key terms below associated with your –ism…you don’t need to use all of them…. Capitalism: laissez-faire, law of self-interest, law of competition, law of supply and demand (p. 300-301) Socialism: Useful definitions on 302-303 Communism: Bourgeoisie, proletariat, the future according to Marx p.302-303 You can also do a comic explaining the rise of unions and important reforms (p. 300-306)
How do I get started? Use the textbook for reference. Brainstorm (on the back of your paper) what you might draw and how many panels you need. Fold your paper accordingly (see Ms. Greenberg’s paper folding samples). Talk with others and with me to get ideas if you are stuck. If stuck - check out Ms. Greenberg’s history comic books to get ideas about format. Draw your comic!!