Ngozi Fisher, 6 #: 2001 Exam Thematic Essay: Discuss and analyze how oversees expansion by European States affected trade and international relations from 1600 to 1750. Critical Trigger Words: Discuss and analyze means to talk about the oversees relations. Affected means to see how it impacted trade and international relations. Two Step Direction Phrase: We must focus on the many different colonies of European countries. Also to see how they traded with each other and how the trade impacted the relationships they had with one another
BP: Look in the big picture in Age of Mercantilism Introduction: Three Step Arc BP: Look in the big picture in Age of Mercantilism NF: Take a closer look at European colonies during the time of colonialism Dir: Look at the European nations and their expansions, trade, and relationships
Introduction: The Age of Mercantilism was the economic theory that was used during this time. It was a way in which European countries could regulate trade to increase their own wealth. The uprising mercantile empires used colonies to trade different goods. Many European countries had colonies like Great Britain, France, and Spain. These colonies established by different countries traded with each other. We see the European nations expanding and trading with each other and how this affected their international relationship.
Oversees expansion of European Nations Body One Oversees expansion of European Nations What continents or countries European nations are expanding to What were some colonies European nations were forming What helped to attribute to the expansion of the nations
Body One: During the Age of Mercantilism colonies were being established throughout the world. Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal established colonies within the New World and also in Asia. France established some colonies in places like Haiti and Louisiana. Spain had its colonies in South America. Great Britain had colonies in the New World and also in India. The need for trade and commerce was a driving force for the creation of colonies. Many of these countries were gaining money from the goods that they received from their colonies.
European nations and their trading Body Two European nations and their trading Introduce the need of trading during colonisim and how it impacted economy Talk about different methods of trading. Example = Great Britain East Indian Company More example on different countries and their trading
Body Two The goods taken form the colonies gave their mother country a lot of money that was great for the economy. The colonies became an instrumental part of the economic system of European nations. Many different countries established different methods or easier ways to trade and collect money. Great Britain created the East Indian Company. It was a chartered company. The company was a way to ship goods from India. The France had this too but it was called the Compagnie des Indes. The Spanish Empire that was in the Americas had a system of monopolistic trade. In the beginning the Spanish colonies sole purpose was to give Spain metals that was mined in the New World.
European Nations and their relationships Body Three European Nations and their relationships Talk about trades impact in relationship of the countries Discuss War of Jenkins Ear and English-France rivalry War and rivalry= example of trades affect on international relations
Body Three: Many European Nations traded with one another and trading was an important aspect of their relationship. When they are trading the countries are benefiting by the buying and selling of the goods. Trade brought tension with the international relationship between these countries. An example of the turmoil brought by trade was the War of Jenkins Ear. This was between the British and the Spanish. There was an incident with the Spaniard and an english captain named Jenkins got his ear cut off. The english merchants wanted to stop the spanish from intervening in their trade. The war of Jenkins Ear was a minor war that showed how international relation was affected by trade. The war shows the fighting that different countries would go through to guarantee their trading in a region. The rivalry with Britain and France in India is another example of trade impacting relations between countries.
Conclusion: Recap and looking towards the future Look back on European trade Talk about overview of relationship of European Nations How this lead to economic wealth acquired by European Nations
Conclusion We see that European nations had colonies and these colonies were used for trading goods. The trade brought economic wealth to the colonies mother countries. Trade had a direct impact on the international relations. The War of Jenkins Ear and also the rivalry of the Britain and France in India are examples of the affect that trade had. We see how further down the line European nations grow wealthy from these colonies. Also how they are able to build strong armies because of money that they acquired from trade and the colonies.