CHIPP Meeting October 3, 2006 M. Bourquin Per Aspera ad astra AStroparticle ERAnet ApPEC Status Report CHIPP Meeting October 3, 2006 M. Bourquin
Introduction The context: the EC is seeking to promote better coordination (compared to the US, e.g.), less segmentation in the research area. The 90% of research funding comes from national agencies. In USA 90% federal, 10% state Now the convergence of national agencies on certain specific infrastructures is a prerequisite on EU funding, e.g in the ESFRI procedure
ApPEC (Astroparticle Physics European Co-ordination) ApPEC is a tool to make science happen, in the European context ApPEC aims: To promote and facilitate co-operation within the growing European Particle Astrophysics community and between national funding agencies To assist in improving links and co-ordination with the scientific programmes of organisations such as CERN, ESA, and ESO and the EC
ApPEC (Astroparticle Physics European Co-ordination) ApPEC membership At the outset (2001) it comprised the national funding agencies of France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. Since then Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, and Switzerland have joined Recently Poland has expressed interest in joining. Aims to Continue to extend EU and Non-EU in Europe Eligibility: Funding Agencies (decision making body, having a national coordinating role)
New Research Infrastructures in Europe ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures was set-up following a recommendation of the EU Council Its main scope is: to support a coherent and strategy-led approach to policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe; to facilitate multilateral initiatives leading to the better use and development of research infrastructures.
New Research Infrastructures in Europe The Strategy Forum gives national authorities the opportunity to be informed of and to explore (i.e. without "a priori" commitments) international and national initiatives concerning the building or upgrading of research infrastructures of European significance. ESFRI to prepare roadmap for future Research Infrastructures in Europe The Roadmap identifies new Research Infrastructure of pan-European interest (or major upgrades) covers all scientific areas, regardless of possible location (i.e. outside of EU) The ESFRI roadmap is an on-going process, periodically updated.
European Roadmap for Research Infrastructures The first roadmap is expected in a few weeks (Autumn 2006). ApPEC to raise awareness of country delegations to astroparticle physics relevant projects (Switzerland: Zinsli) Likely candidates in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Astroparticle physics: ELT (Optical-infrared Telescope), SKA (radiotelescope), KM3Net (neutrino telescope), Third Generation Gravitationnal Wave Observatory, CTA ( advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma ray astronomy), EUREKA (dark matter) I presented ApPEC and its roadmap process to Zinsli
Achievements of ApPEC APPEC’s most recent success are: The European strategy for particle physics: ‘CERN Council will seek to work with ApPEC to develop a coordinated strategy in areas of mutual interest’ (non-accelerator experiments at the overlap between particle and astroparticle physics) The ERANET program ASPERA: EU funds for furthering inter-agency coordination
ASPERA and ApPEC ASPERA will allow ApPEC to realize its aims in large measure will enable the funding agencies and the wider academic community to understand the context in which we do business, co-operate and plan the future for Astroparticle Physics. ASPERA should not be seen as a new committee but as a work program A.Coates
What is the AstroParticle ERA net (ASPERA)? An EU ERANET program with 17 partners from 12 countries and CERN, CNRS (S.Katsanevas) coordinator, ambition to cover all countries with astroparticle activities in Europe EU budget 2.5 M€ for 3 years (1 July 2006 to 1 July 2009) used for 33 meetings, 10 new liaison officers , 26 deliverables, 5 milestones.
ASPERA 17 agencies 12 countries + CERN: Belgium FNRS/FWO Czech Rep. MEYS France CEA/CNRS Germany BMBF/PTDESY Greece DEMOKRITOS Italy INFN Netherlands FOM Portugal FCT Spain MEC/FECYT Sweden VR Switzerland SNF UK PPARC CERN
5 workpackages WP2 Roadmap PPARC WP1 Status in research funding NIKHEF European wide procedures INFN WP2 Roadmap PPARC WP4 Web/Database/Outreach Network Extension BMBF/MEC WP5 Management CNRS
Status APP funding in Europe ASPERA WP1 Status APP funding in Europe Inventory of systems & rules Identify barriers for collaboration (legal, financial) Switzerland: the emergence of astroparticle physics as a new discipline
A Roadmap for APP in Europe ASPERA WP2 A Roadmap for APP in Europe Roadmap and areas of common R&D Formulation of a common evaluation policy A posteriori linking of existing infrastructures
Astroparticle Physics, a definition through 6 questions* Courtesy ApPEC PRC What is the Universe made of ? Do protons have a finite life time ? What are the properties of neutrinos ? What is their role in cosmic evolution ? What do neutrinos tell us about the interior of Sun and Earth, and about Supernova explosions ? What is the origin of cosmic rays ? What is the view of the sky at extreme energies ? What is the nature of gravity ? Can we detect gravitational waves ? What will they tell us about violent cosmic processes ? *”Science is the art of replacing unimportant questions that can be answered by important ones which cannot” Edward B. Ferguson Jr. 1976.
Current European programs Total cost 365 M€ Data PRC census (66 projects)
European participation to US or other regional programs (sometimes major) AUGER AMS GLAST AMANDA ICECUBE In the future LISAPF LISA Total cost 1541 M€ Data PRC census (66 projects)
Near and far term future Total 471 M€ >2015 Total 1500 M€ Data PRC census (66 projects)
Major events for the Roadmap Starting workshop: Valencia 7/8 November 2006 Presentation and first discussion of the PRC draft roadmap 2 more workshops in 07 and 08 Also smaller thematic workshops Milestone A roadmap for Astroparticle and related R&D July 2008
Partial alignment of funding for APP in Europe ASPERA WP3 Partial alignment of funding for APP in Europe Common action plan and agreements on funding of large projects Common R&D calls Partial alignment of funds for APP
Turning a Roadmap to an Action plan Can we make one for Europe? With multiannual projection of ressources available? Decision points and milestones? Transform it into a priority roadmap « action plan »? risk to avoid: to forget small projects
Setting up cooperation agreements on existing infrastructures A series of large infrastructures in Europe has developed in parallel: Underground labs (Gran Sasso, Fréjus, Camfranc, Boulby,…) Gravitational antennas VIRGO/GEO, Cherenkov telescopes HESS/MAGIC/VERITAS, Neutrino telescopes ANTARES/NEMO/NESTOR, High energy cosmic rays AUGER, Dark matter searches (at least 6 different projects) Double beta decay experiments. Establish cooperation agreements, a posteriori linking, towards multisite common governance 6 thematic workshops from July 2008 to July 2009
Transversal tasks of ASPERA ASPERA WP4 Transversal tasks of ASPERA Database and common electronic infrastructure Website Outreach to policy makers Extension of the network to new partners
Outreach ( CERN ) Single European press officer for astroparticle on the model of LHC and ILC, located at CERN, target group: policy makers Organize media events around « open national days »/workshops Organize an European Astroparticle Physics Forum Already planned participation to the launch of FP7 with an exhibition on Astroparticle physics 6monthly newsletter targetted to Parliaments (the European and the others)
ApPEC, ASPERA and Switzerland Switzerland is a full partner of ApPEC (MB represents CHIPP in ApPEC Steering Committee, AR is a member of the Roadmap working group) Switzerland is a full partner in ASPERA (MB represents SNF, which expects CHIPP to carry out all activities through the SNF representative proposed by CHIPP). Budget: 160 KEuros for 3 years The Swiss representative informs and consults CHIPP (i.e. Universities and PSI), SNF (a contract following EC and University rules to be implemented) and SER (deputy director Zinsli, J.-P. Ruder)
ApPEC, ASPERA and Switzerland Work on WP 1 to 4 has started, MB to hire collaborator to assist participate in workshops and to lead study on the emergence of astroparticle physics as a new discipline Roadmap leading to action plan to be steered by ASPERA. First public meeting November 7-8 in Valencia, Spain A ‘Swiss national open day’ on astroparticle physics will be organized in January 2008 (c.f. RECFA, to raise awareness of national policy makers)