WHO WE ARE Youthnet Hellas is a Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization that seeks to engage young people at local, national, European and international level through actions and interventions.
THE AIM Youthnet Hellas aims networking young people on the basis of thematic initiatives and monitoring the implementation of International and European Youth Policies in Greece.
THE IDEA Youthnet Hellas arose from a group of young people from all over Greece, who decided to incorporate their vitality and energy into a new NGO, using both their rich experience in long-term commitment in local and regional youth councils, as well as their knowledge of Youth Policies, European Projects and Voluntarism!
www.youthnet.gr Get Informed!
PROFILE OF VOLUNTEERS Member of Youthnet Hellas can become whoever is or feels young, as well as anyone interested in Youth Issues!
EUROPEAN PROGRAMS Year Programs Participants 2009 5 23 2010 43 121 2009 5 23 2010 43 121 2011 35 120 2012 27 102 2013 52 139 Total 161 503
Annual Youth Report by Youthnet Hellas 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 The first Youth Report by an independent NGO in Greece
European Citizen's Prize 2013
UNESCO label The You.Re.Ca (Training on Youth Reporting Capacities) project was awarded the UNESCO label during the 8th UNESCO Youth Forum in 2013. It is one of the 3 projects in Europe and North America to win the label, selected among 1532 projects worldwide.
Kostas Simitopoulos EU Projects Coordinator programs@youthnet.gr