Digital Project Grant Funding Proposal Project title: Digitization of the Institute of Oceanology Research Reports (DIORR)
The library of the Institute of Oceanology (IO) houses the following materials containing the scientific production of the staff of the Institute between 1969 -1994 IO research reports (1969-94) 148 v. 15800 p. Theses (1976-1991) 20 v. 5200 p. Abstracts of theses 12 v. 450 p. IO proceedings (1975-1991) 21 v. 1974 p. Total 201 v. 23424 p.
All these materials contain significant data and information about the Bulgarian part of the Black Sea coastal and offshore zone referring: marine geology, chemistry, physics, coastal dynamics, biology, ecology and underwater archaeology.
The research reports are unique because they are the only copies kept in the Institute’s library. Their content is widely used by IO scientists, PhD students, researches from different governmental bodies and agencies as a reference material of their new studies, theses and research projects.
The physical condition of the materials is gradually getting poor since they are written on typing machine and the ink is progressively fading away as well as the paper is growing older and crumbling. Most of the reports contained supplements of maps and graphics which are in the same poor condition.
Institute’s proceedings (containing publications of the Institute’s staff on all marine disciplines) were issued in a limited number, printed on low quality paper with paper back cover and should be preserved for the future as well
The materials proposed for digitization present the scientific background of the marine studies in Bulgaria which started in the late 60ies of the 20th century. The project aims at preserving in digital format the research reports being the scientific production of the staff of the Institute of Oceanology (IO) between 1969 -1994.
A scanner, computer equipment and appropriate software need to be purchased for implementation of the project goal, and additional staff to be appointed.
Proposed time range for the project implementation is 12 months, divided into four phases as follows: Phase I 1st month: Purchase of equipment and software. Training of the staff. Phase II 2nd – 6th month: Unbind, scan text material and bind paper volumes. Phase III 7th – 10th month: Scanning of the maps and graphics. Phase IV 11th – 12th month: Evaluation of the project implementation and preparation of the final report.
Budget summary Items BG currency Salaries 6 000.00 lv Equipment & software 2 500.00 lv Consumables 53.00 lv Overheads 500.00 lv Total 9 053.00 lv
Expected results: long-term preservation of the materials (IO repository and back-up discs); easy accessibility and data retrieval for the purpose of further research and development activities in the field of marine science.
After completion of the project it will be evaluated through analyzing the feedback of a survey among the end-users (scientific staff of IO and other relevant users) and the results will be summarized and presented in a final project report.
Thank you for the attention