Public Health in a Changing Environment Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones MBE Director of Public Health SHIP Cluster PCT & Portsmouth City Council
Public Health in a Changing Environment Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones MBE Director of Public Health & Primary Care NHS Portsmouth & Portsmouth City Council Yesterday Director of Public Health SHIP Cluster PCT & Portsmouth City Council Today
Public Health in a Changing Environment Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones MBE Director of Public Health & Primary Care NHS Portsmouth & Portsmouth City Council Yesterday Director of Public Health SHIP Cluster PCT & Portsmouth City Council Today Strategic Director & Director of Public Health Portsmouth City Council Tomorrow
Public Health in a Changing Environment Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones MBE Public Director of Public Health & Primary Care NHS Portsmouth & Portsmouth City Council Yesterday Director of Public Health SHIP Cluster PCT & Portsmouth City Council Today PH Strategic Director & Director of Public Health Portsmouth City Council Tomorrow NHS LA
New Look ‘NHS LaLa Land ’ which will reduce bureaucracy and management costs.
Layers of Management Layers of Accountability
Communication links
Painting by Jackson Pollock ... this must be Pollock’s!
Painting by Jackson Pollock ... this must be Pollock’s!
Public Health System (from April 2013)
Public Health System (from April 2013) Aim to set out broad design of new public health system by the end of the year. Two key things: Complete the policy picture – Update and way forward identifies five reform updates which will be published in the autumn: Public Health Outcomes Framework PHE Operating Model Further details on the roles of local authorities and the Director of Public Health Public health finance Workforce strategy Resolve practical issues, including terms and conditions, regulation and status of DPH w/c 21st November Late November December TBC – expected early January PH Outcomes Framework HR Concordat – this will provide some guidance on the HR principles for the transition of NHS staff to local authorities Workforce Strategy Local Transition Preparation Toolkit Local Government Paper – this will include further detail on the mandated functions and services to NHS Commissioning Finance – this will include details of the baseline and the formula for distribution PHE Operating Model Local Transition Plan Template
Public Health (England) Executive Agency (of DH) Several organisations 4,600 staff CEO advertised shortly CEO appointed by Christmas People Transit Plan by Christmas SLT in place by April 2012 PH(E) operational April 2013 PH(E) Draft Operating Model circulating at the moment
Public Health (Local Authorities) Key transition imperatives are: safe delivery of public health functions in 2012/13, a basis for HR process in 2012/13 to start to enable staff to plan their personal futures readiness for transfer of budgets, staff and responsibilities to local authorities in April 2013. Key timescales are: November/ December 2011 – further development of plans for public health delivery in 2012/13 and transition in 2013 – including engagement of Council Members and others. January / February 2012 – drafting of final plans in localities - visits from RDPH team to advise and confirm progress, prior to formal submission of local plans by 9th March 2012 End of March 2012 – a fit for purpose local public health transition plan for each local authority area, developed jointly by Local Authorities and PCT Clusters April 2013 – Public health transition to local authorities completed 2011-12 Planning 2012-13 Shadow & Transition 2013-14 Go live
Public Health (Local Authorities) Key transition imperatives are: safe delivery of public health functions in 2012/13, a basis for HR process in 2012/13 to start to enable staff to plan their personal futures readiness for transfer of budgets, staff and responsibilities to local authorities in April 2013. Key timescales are: November/ December 2011 – further development of plans for public health delivery in 2012/13 and transition in 2013 – including engagement of Council Members and others. January / February 2012 – drafting of final plans in localities - visits from RDPH team to advise and confirm progress, prior to formal submission of local plans by 9th March 2012 End of March 2012 – a fit for purpose local public health transition plan for each local authority area, developed jointly by Local Authorities and PCT Clusters April 2013 – Public health transition to local authorities completed 2011-12 Planning Year Keep Eye on Ball 2012-13 Shadow Year Keep Eye on Ball 2013-14 Go live Keep Eye on Ball
Statutory Health & Well-being Board Statutory H&WB Board will be at the heart of the new local system offering a vehicle for councillors, commissioners and communities to exercise shared leadership of local health and social care systems Local Authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups will be required to prepare the JSNA through the H&WB Board ensuring that each area develops a comprehensive analysis of the current and future needs and assets for their area Based on the JSNA, the H&WB Board will be required to develop a new joint health and well being strategy for their area that will drive local commissioning strategies
Purpose of JSNA and the JHWS What services do we need to commission (or de-commission), both separately and jointly? – Commissioning plans EXPLICIT LINK So what are our priorities for collective action, and how will we achieve them together? – JHWS So what does that mean they need, now and in the future and what assets do we have? – a narrative on the data – JSNA The intention of JSNAs is to link local needs with commissioning decisions – by adding the layer of the JHWS this link is being made easier for local areas to understand. The HWB provides the forum for repositioning the JSNA as truly jointly owned and leading to joint commissioning decisions to serve the whole population. “mind the gap” – between need to have and already have What does our population & place look like? – data HEALTH & WELLBEING BOARD
Statutory Health & Well-being Board Statutory Members will be: At least one elected councillor At least one representative of the CCG A representative of local Health Watch A representative of the NHS Commissioning Board DPH, DCS, DAS Beyond this minimum membership, local authorities can determine who to invite to join their Board. They may choose to include other groups or stakeholders who can bring in particular skills or perspectives
Portsmouth Health & Well-being Board Indentify needs and priorities across Portsmouth, overseeing the refresh and publication of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment to support evidence-based prioritisation, commissioning and policy decisions. Prepare and publish a Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy for approval by the City Council and CCG Support the CCG towards authorisation and ensure robust arrangements are in place for smooth transition into the Statutory Board in time for April 2013. Provide strategic leadership to ensure services are integrated locally by bringing together health and social care with a range of other public service dependencies including public health and children’s services. Communicate and engage with local people in how they can achieve the best possible quality of life and be supported to exercise choice and control over their own personal health and wellbeing
Public Health in a Changing Environment Whatever we think of the NHS Reforms : Dog’s Dinner? Dog’s Breakfast? Dog’s Bxxxxxxs? It is our moral and professional responsibility to make it work to the very best of our ability for the benefit of our staff and for both our local and the wider population to ensure that we continue to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities
Public Health & Community Pharmacy Healthy Living Pharmacies Continue to develop in Portsmouth and support national roll out Community Pharmacy in Local Authorities Essential Community Pharmacy is part of Public Health in LA Pharmacy & Public Health Forum 6 priorities around HLP, Standards, Evidence Base, Structural Position, Workforce Implications, Business Support to Forum
Public Health in a Changing Environment Thank you! Questions?