Healthy Living Pharmacies Samantha Travis Clinical Leadership Adviser / CDAO Email:
New Contractual Requirements Recent changes to the pharmacy contract have introduced quality criteria and included within this is the requirement that The pharmacy is a Healthy Living Pharmacy (level 1) Effectively giving us up to 217 mini Health & Wellbeing hubs when combined with other established community pharmacy initiatives e.g Pharmacy First minor ailment scheme Healthy Living Pharmacy concept offers commissioners opportunity to maximise the value community pharmacy can offer in delivering health and well being interventions Need to build on this on this by working collaboratively
What is Healthy Living Pharmacy? HLP is an organisational development framework underpinned by three enablers of: Workforce development – a skilled team to pro-actively support and promote behaviour change, improving health and wellbeing; Premises that are fit for purpose; and engagement with the local community, other health professionals (especially GPs), social care and public health professionals and workforce local authorities. Healthy Living Pharmacies level 1 is a national standard developed by Public Health England that is now part of the community pharmacy quality scheme – this can be Further developed locally to coordinate additional services provided by Community Pharmacies as an umbrella framework to focus on STP priorities
How do I achieve Level 1? Process of self assessment Checklist can be found on PSNC website NHS England will make available a HLP Level 1 framework for contractors to access on PharmOutcomes, which matches the recently released national guidelines and supports the entry of evidence and activity to demonstrate compliance with each standard Allowing contractors to track their progress with achieving the HLP quality criteria.
What do I need to do? Key requirements that must be met before becoming a HLP Level 1 The pharmacy has a consultation room which is compliant with the Advanced Services standards; In the past year; - participated in the provision of both Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) and the New Medicine Service (NMS), and has proactively engaged in health promoting conversations; - participated in the provision of the NHS Community Pharmacy Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Advanced Service or has actively referred patients to other NHS providers of vaccinations; the pharmacy complies with the General Pharmaceutical Council’s Standards for Registered Premises and Standards of Conduct, Ethics and Performance; and the pharmacy complies with the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) requirements
The Enablers environment engagement workforce
Workforce development - requirements All pharmacy staff have an awareness of the local public health and pharmaceutical needs All pharmacy staff understand the basic principles of health and wellbeing, and that every interaction is an opportunity for a health promoting intervention. At least one member of pharmacy staff (1 Full Time Equivalent) has completed the training and assessment of the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement and is therefore a Health Champion.
Role of the Health Champion in Community Pharmacy Has the RSPH Understanding Health Improvement Level 2 award Engage proactively with the public Understand what’s available locally Signpost to local health and wellbeing services and national support Establish and maintain health promotion zone Put in place health promotional activities Outreach into the local community Deliver health and wellbeing service
Workforce development – Healthy Living Leadership An individual from the pharmacy team has undergone leadership training : - Inspiring a shared purpose - Sharing the vision - Engaging the team - Developing capability - Influencing for results There is effective leadership within the team that encourages the best use of team members’ skills and creates an environment that supports and mentors other team members.
Communication All pharmacy staff can use NHS choices, the local public health information and pharmaceutical needs information, when providing advice on health issues when appropriate. The pharmacy team routinely explain who they are, wear a name badge and inform people about the information and/or services on offer. All pharmacy staff are able to provide brief health and wellbeing advice (2-3 minutes) and have an awareness that the person may need additional support for behavioural change.
Community engagement The pharmacy team proactively engages with patients and the public in the pharmacy, to offer them advice, support and signposting to other providers of services in the community where applicable. The pharmacy team actively works in collaboration with other community organisations (e.g. schools, care homes, local events, charities) to deliver pharmacy outreach and or services. The pharmacy team is aware of appropriate health and social care providers in their community (e.g. specialist clinics, Healthwatch, Smoking Cessation, Drug and Alcohol Services, Health Trainer Service
Commissioner engagement The HLP lead is aware of the local commissioners for public health services, which may include Local Authority, NHS England, Clinical Commissioning Group, etc. The pharmacy team is aware of the commissioner contacts if seeking to submit bids for public health services.
Health Promoting Environment The pharmacy has a dedicated Health Promotion Zone, that: Is clearly marked and accessible; Has a professional appearance; and Is appropriately equipped with up-to-date professional health and wellbeing information Information available appeals to a wide range of the public including men and women, young people, smokers, people with long term conditions, learning difficulties, older people and minority ethnic groups Resources should be updated at least every two months to ensure information provided is relevant, up-to-date and appropriate.
What Distinguishes a Healthy Living Pharmacy? Consistently delivers broad range of high quality commissioned services Quality, innovation and productivity Proactive team ethos Has a least one Health Champion Identifiable by the public Achievement of Quality Criteria A quality mark
Local Plans for Implementation Has been interest from local authorities previously but funding training has been a barrier to implementation – now keen to engage Inclusion in contract will facilitate discussions going forward Health Education England recognised the opportunity to roll out HLP at scale across East Midlands and have provided funding to allow training of one Healthy Living Champion & one Healthy Living Leader in every pharmacy in Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire NHS England have agreed to pay RSPH assessment costs for Champions LPCs will hold the funding & run the training programme for Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire Pharmacy staff over the next few months ……….. Watch this space!