#TreatyEdCamp @viviangauvin.


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Presentation transcript:

#TreatyEdCamp @viviangauvin

Good Morning! Acknowledge the Treaty 4 Territory we are on today. Treaty 4 is the Traditional Territory of the Cree, Saulteaux, Lakota, Nakota, Dakota peoples and is the Homeland of the Metis people. We are unlearning Canada’s history- with the unearthing of Truth and Reconciliation testimonials, many of us are shifting the narrative of our teaching. Be cognizant of the lens we teach through.

The Truth Matters According to the Then Justice Murray Sinclair: Quote Education plays a crucial part in Reconciliation It was the Education System that contributed to the Residential School legacy so it will the Educaiton system that will help repair it. The Power of Education And now things are happening because of the TRC Calls to Action Here we are today-

My Family

“That Generation” My mom – “Is something going to change for them?” Implying the infamous phrase: “GET OVER IT”

That Generation However: Four Nieces at Post Secondary this year and one nephew - four are at the U of R So I am quite confident that we will change from “That Generation” to My hope is that my family will do better because they- we will know better

Turn and Talk Which Generation is your family, community or school?

“That Generation” TRC Calls to Action: Final Report June 2015 94 Recommendations http://www.trc.ca/websites/trcinstitution/index.php?p=890

Regina Industrial School http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/regina-indian- industrial-school-cemetery-heritage-1.3778557 http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/10/02/residential-school- cemete_n_12300450.html

Project of Heart http://projectofheart.ca/ Check out Sask tab Check out CCI tile work Homework: find the tiles in the CCI yearbook

Postcards http://www2.uregina.ca/education/news/resources/

Opening of the NCTRC Nov 4th 2015- Winnipeg TRC website: http://www.trc.ca/websites/trcinstitution/index.php?p=3

Comparison Let’s compare ourselves: Duncan Campbell Scott Dr. Peter Bryce

Duncan Campbell Scott (1930) Amended the Indian Act making it mandatory for all Aboriginal children to attend residential schools- even knowing that the mortality rate ranged from 30%-75% http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/duncan-campbell-scott-plaque-updated-1.3299062 

Duncan Campbell Scott As Deputy Superintendent, Scott oversaw the assimilationist Indian Residential School system for Aboriginal children, stating his goal was 'to get rid of the Indian problem,'" the new plaque reads. "In its 2015 report, Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission said that the Indian Residential School system amounted to cultural genocide.“ What did he do about it? As of 2016, Duncan Campbell Scott’s plaque now includes his past creating residential schools

Dr. Peter Bryce- Advocate for First Nations Health

Dr. Peter Bryce In 1904, Dr. Bryce was hired by the Department of the Interior to manage public health issues in both the Immigration Department and Indian Affairs. In 1907, he issued a report critical of the health conditions in the residential school system of western Canada. His report also laid blame on the federal government for negligence that led to shocking death rates due to communicable disease, primarily tuberculosis Duncan Campbell Scott, then head of Indian Affairs, dismissed Dr. Bryce’s recommendations to establish proper hospitals and overhaul the Indian education system, and eventually terminated funding for his research.

Dr. Peter Bryce (1922) B.C. Project of Heart Link http://issuu.com/teachernewsmag/docs/poh_ebook_for_issuu/11?e=6001376/14927855

Who would you be. Duncan Campbell Scott -Knew better. What did he do Who would you be? Duncan Campbell Scott -Knew better ? What did he do? Dr. Peter Bryce -knew better ? What did he do?

The Legacy The History of Residential Schools is a dark one. Thousands of indigenous children were taken from their homes and forced to attend schools often hundreds of kilometres from their communities.”

Heritage Minute

Now that we know better we have to do better? “Once you see it – you can’t unsee it” - Marc Spooner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_tcCpKtoU0

#MyReconciliationincludes Take out your phone & check out #myReconciliationincludes MyReconcilliationincldues To see how reconciliation really begins, take a look at the tweets initiated by Christi Belcourt under the hashtag #MyReconciliationIncludes, where both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people speak out about what reconciliation means to them.

Cindy Blackstock First Nations Advocate Video In 2007, the Child and Family Caring Society of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations filed a landmark discrimination complaint against Indian Affairs and Northern Development Canada. They argued that child and family welfare services provided to First Nations children on reserves and in Yukon were underfunded and inferior to services offered to other Canadian children. Veteran director Alanis Obomsawin’s documentary We Can’t Make the Same Mistake Twice documents this epic court challenge, giving voice to the tenacious childcare workers at its epicentre.o-

We Can’t Make the Same Mistake Twice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKCdooDOX_E http://www.tiff.net/films/we-cant-make-the-same-mistake-twice/

No Excuses We have tons of resources http://www.cbc.ca/news/indigenous Twitter

Last Story It’s been over a year since the TRC Final Report was released in Ottawa See Poster We will be the Generation that reads the Final report implements the Calls TO Action Or Will we be the Generation to the TRC report as un unopened email

We have a Moral Imperative It’s up to Us To make the Change Reconciliation is up to Us. The Choice is ours.

Shi -Shi -Etko https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKErhCGjSDE

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#MyReconciliationincludes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyP02JQdmAs&feature=em- share_video_user&app=desktop