Aim: How was religion influential for Ancient Greek society?
Do Now: What conclusions can you make about Ancient Greek religion based on this image?
Ancient Greek Religion Many gods (polytheistic) Both men and women King of the gods = Zeus Lived in the heavens (Mount Olympus) Had specific roles or purposes Affected/interacted with human lives
Which god should be called on? Complete the “Which god should be called on?” activity to learn more about the gods’ roles and how they interacted with humans!
Gods and Goddesses The Greeks believed in many gods and had hundred of stories about them. There were local gods and gods to look after all aspects of life and death. According to legend, Mother Earth gave birth to all living things. The first gods were called the Titans. Zeus, the son of two Titans called Chronos and Rhaa, seized power for himself and his brothers and sisters. In Classical times they were the most important gods. They were called Olympians, as they were said to live on Mount Olympus. Poseidon, brother of Zeus, was god of the sea. Demeter, a sister of Zeus, was goddess of the earth and corn. Aphrodite was goddess of love and beauty. Her son, Eros, made people fall in love by shooting them with arrows. Hephaestos, her husband, was the god of craftsmen. Zeus, god of the sky and thunder, ruled the gods on Mount Olympus. Hera, his wife and sister, was goddess of all women. Ares was god of war. He loved Aphrodite. Dionysus was god of wine. Artemis was goddess of the moon, hunting, and women Athena, daughter of Zeus, was goddess of wisdom and Athens. Asclepius, son of Apollo, was god of medicine. His symbol was snakes. Apollo was god of the sun and patron of music, poetry, and healing. Hermes was messenger of the gods and patron of merchants and travelers. He took the dead to the Underworld. Pan, god of the countryside, was half-goat. He played the pan-pipes.
Why was religion important to the Ancient Greeks? Read the “Pluto and Persephone” handout and answer the questions.
Why was religion important to the Ancient Greeks? The Greeks used religion to help explain their world They didn’t understand nature’s forces, so they used myths/religion to explain it Greek stories portray the gods as accountable for their own actions, just as humans should be, to help teach morality Make a comparison: Why was religion important to the Mesopotamians/Egyptians/Chinese?
How is Greek mythology still present in today’s society?
Olympics?? Highest mountain in Greece where the gods (“Olympians”) believed to live
The “Titans” were powerful deities who were overthrown by the Olympian gods
“Atlas” was a Titan doomed to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders.
“Iris” took messages from the the gods – the “eye of heaven” – to earth, via a rainbow
Nike?? “Nike” was the winged goddess of victory – can you find the swoop in the statue?
“Apollo” was a god of music and intellectual pursuits
Pandora?? “Pandora” was the first woman created; received the gift of music from Apollo. “Pandora’s box” = a box she opened against instructions that let all evil out into the world.
“Trident” was the 3-pronged spear of the sea god Poseidon. In Greek: Tria = three Donti = tooth Trident = 3 tooth