Allison Goostree And Loagnn freeman Ceyx and Alcyone Allison Goostree And Loagnn freeman
Ceyx & Alcyone: An Introduction • Ceyx - King of Thesslay - Son of Lucifer (The Light- Bearer) • Alcyone - Daughter of Aeolus (King of Winds) - Wife of Ceyx •The two are deeply in love and are almost never willingly apart
How the story Begins • Ceyx decides he needs to see an oracle due to recent troubles -Alcyone begs him not to go b/c she knows danger will come to him *He does not relent, so she begs to go w/ him • He stands firm in his decision and goes alone - Alcyone watches as he sails away
WHILE HE IS AWAY … •While on the journey, Ceyx's ship is caught in a storm and is badly damaged -Ceyx drowns w/ Alcyone's name on his lips •Meanwhile, Alcyone prays to Juno (Hera) for his safe return - Juno knows he is already dead * Juno appreciates her prayers, so she decides Alcyone must know the truth
Juno's Plan • Juno sends Iris (her messenger) to the home of Somnus, God of Sleep, to relay her plan - He wakes his son, Morpheus, to assist him * capable of assuming any human form •He goes to Alcyone's room in the form of Ceyx to tell her of his death
The Aftermath • Alcyone returns to the beach where she last saw Ceyx - While standing near the shore, a body floats up * When it nears, she realizes it's Ceyx •In her sorrow, she attempts to jump into the sea - Mid-jump, she transforms into a bird * The same was done to Ceyx •They are seen together from that moment on, their love unchanged
Halcyon Days • There are 6 or 7 days when the sea remains still and calm - During this time, Alcyone is said to be nesting - These days of peace are known as "Halcyon Days", and are named after her •The birds Alcyone and Ceyx are turned into are called Halcyon birds or "Kingsfisher" birds in their honor