IEVMC Lesson 8 FY14 Analysis Case Study Performance Management Analysis Tools Student guide page 8-5
Analysis Case Study Objective: Understand the basic operations of EVM tools. wInsight: LAR EMD 2003 MS Project: LAR DEC03 Answer the questions contained in the following viewgraphs. Document your answers on the viewgraphs. Copy from wInsight or Project as necessary to document your answers using Sniping tool. Save under your name in the A Student file folder on the I: drive. Snipping tool can be grabbed from the accessories menu or by typing snip in the search box in the start button if you don’t already have it on your desktop. Once you find it, drag to your bottom toolbar Instructions for use: Click on the snipping tool (will cause a white filter on your screen) Use right mouse click to select the area you want to copy Paste into the chart
WBS Reports: Question 1 Reference the top level Executive Summary. What is the contract number? What is the contract period of performance? What is the contract budget base? What is the performance measurement baseline? What is the target fee in $ & %? What is the difference between CBB & PMB?
WBS Reports: Question 2 Select the engine element, select the AI Narrative Report. What percent of the contract is the engine? Based on wInsight data, is the work in process ahead or behind schedule? What is the cumulative cost variance in $?
WBS Reports: Question 3 Select engine, select the Six Period Summary Report. What are the cumulative cost and schedule variances in dollars & percent? Is the contractor projecting an overrun or underrun? What does the comparison of the percent complete versus the percent spent reveal? How does the Contractor EAC TCPI compare to the CPIcum? What does this comparison tell you about the estimate?
WBS Reports: Question 4 Select engine, select the Six Period Summary Report. What is the EAC based on CPIcur? Compare this with the EAC based on CPIcum and CPI*SPI. Is the EAC (CPIcur) within a reasonable estimate range? Why or why not? What does this imply about using current CPI for EAC calculations? Normally the EAC based CPI*SPI is the worst case. Why is EAC (CPI*SPI) not the worst case estimate here?
WBS Charts: Question 1 Reference the top level management chart, C/S Variance Trends. What are the cumulative cost and schedule variances? Are they within the 10% thresholds? How much Management Reserve (MR) is available at this time? What is the historical trend of the Management Reserve? What does this mean?
WBS Charts: Question 2 Reference the top level management chart, Contract Performance. What is the CBB? What is the Government Program Manager’s Estimate? What is the Contractor Program Manager’s Estimate? Why would they be different?
WBS Charts: Question 3 Reference the top level SPI chart. What is the cumulative SPI for Increda? How would you explain the cumulative SPI in terms of a dollar of work scheduled? What has been the recent trend of the cumulative SPI for Increda If the trend continues, do you believe the cumulative SPI for Increda will be above 1.0, equal to 1.0 or less than 1.0 at the end of the contract? Does the cumulative SPI tell you how many days the contract end date will slip?
WBS Charts: Question 4 Reference the top level CPI chart. What is the cumulative CPI for Increda? How would you explain the cumulative CPI in terms of a dollar spent? What has been the recent trend of the cumulative CPI for Increda? If the trend continues, do you believe the cumulative CPI for Increda will be above 1.0, equal to 1.0 or less than 1.0 at the end of the contract? Compare the cumulative CPI to the TCPI for Increda’s EAC. What do you conclude?
WBS Charts: Question 5 Reference the top level EAC chart: BAC, Increda’s EAC and the CPI Cum forecast. Is the contractor projecting an overrun or underrun? Is the CPI Cum forecast projecting an overrun or under run? Why is the contractor EAC reasonable or unreasonable?
WBS Charts: Question 6 Reference the top level Cumulative Variance chart: COST, SCHED, and VAC. Is the contractor projecting an overrun or underrun? If the cost and schedule trends continue what would you predict about this contract (overrun – underrun? finish on schedule or late?) What can you determine about the contractor’s EAC and the contracts BAC? Is the Contractor’s EAC reasonable or unreasonable; and why?
WBS Sort Windows: Question 1 Reference the Cumulative Cost Variance $ and Cumulative Cost Variance %, in the sort windows only. What are the three worst, lowest level, WBS elements in terms of Cumulative Cost Variance in dollars? What are the three worst, lowest level, WBS elements in terms of Cumulative Cost Variance in percent?
WBS Sort Windows: Question 2 Reference the Schedule Variance, in the sort windows only. What are the three worst, lowest level, WBS elements in terms of Cumulative Schedule Variance in dollars? What are the three worst, lowest level, WBS elements in terms of Cumulative Schedule Variance percentage? What other information do you need to determine if these are schedule drivers?
WBS Sort Windows: Question 3 Compare the three worst, lowest level, WBS elements for Cumulative Cost Variance with their Variance at Completions, in the sort windows only. Based on the current status, how reasonable are the contractor’s EACs?
OBS Charts: Question 1 Select the wInsight OBS Structure and the Program Control Organization. Review and compare the cumulative variance chart and the manpower chart and answer the following questions: What earned value technique is being used by the Program Control? Using the actual line from manpower chart, explain the DEC 03 cumulative CV and SV metrics. Using the EAC (or LRE) and BAC lines on the manpower chart, predict the current cost and schedule variance percents for Jan 04, Feb 04, Mar 04, Apr04, and May 04.
IPT Sort Question: Question 1 Select the wInsight IPT Structure and the “indent” button. Also add the “WbsNum” column to the sort database. What are the sub-elements of the VEHICLE IPT What are the WBS levels of the VEHICLE IPT sub-elements and how do these levels compare to the WBS levels in the wInsight WBS Structure What are the sub-elements of the DRIVE TRAIN IPT What are the WBS levels of the DRIVE TRAIN IPT sub-elements and how do these levels compare to the WBS levels in the wInsight WBS Structure
IPT Sort Question: Question 2 Sort the wInsight IPT Structure for Sort By “ElemLevel” and Then By “CvCum”. Copy the level 1 and 2 IPT element metrics from wInsight into this presentation (hint you should copy 13 lines). After accomplishing this task return to the WBS structure.
Schedule Correlation: Question 1 Reference MSProject LAR DEC03, filter for the Critical Path. What tasks are identified on the critical path from now until the CDR? Do these correspond with those obtained from the schedule variance dollar sort in wInsight? Do these correspond with those obtained from the schedule variance percent sort in wInsight?
Schedule Correlation: Question 2 Reference MSProject, LAR Dec 03 filter for the Milestones. When is the PDR scheduled? When is the CDR scheduled? When is the Production Prototype Scheduled for delivery.
Schedule Correlation: Question 3 Reference MSProject for LAR Dec 03, filter for the Slipping Tasks (in more filters). Which five preliminary designs have slipped? What is the status of the Secondary Armament's Sub System Trades & Analysis? Stated in terms of task duration, slip from baseline, current schedule status. Are any of the five Preliminary Design tasks on the critical path? If not, how much float time (or slack) time does each have.
Schedule Health: Question 1 Open Steelray with the Dec 03 schedule and scorecard then select the analyze button. What Percentage of the LAR schedule are Summary Tasks? What does Baseline Execution Index mean? (Hint select the information button for definitions) Reference MSProject, LAR Dec 03 How many tasks should have been completed, but are still in progress? Which tasks have not finished?