The Nature of Tribulation


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Presentation transcript:

The Nature of Tribulation Matthew 24:9-14

The past is the key to the present and the future The major biblical covenants are between God and Israel The Abrahamic covenant promised a land, seed and blessing… There is a specific land area and a Davidic Messiah expected to reign over a literal kingdom with a saved Israelite nation

These covenants have elements yet to be fulfilled literally The kingdom was presented to Israel and rejected The promised provisions were still anticipated and predicted to be fulfilled even after Israel’s initial rejection Israel will again be in the spotlight to fulfill its prophecies regarding its land, kingdom and salvation

Matthew 24-25 are focused on a time yet future for Israel Rom 9-11 make clear God is not finished… There was a near anticipation of destruction There was a far consideration of the coming of Christ and His kingdom This text also indicates that the coming of Christ & His kingdom will be preceded by a time of tribulation

I. The Tribulation Timeframe A. Its relation to prophecy 1. Its designations -Tribulation, Great Tribulation -Day of the Lord -Day of trouble, time of Jacob’s trouble -Wrath of the Lamb

2. Its timing The framework for the 7 year tribulation period is found in Daniel 9:24-27 The first 69 “weeks” is 483 years from the decree of Artaxerxes (Dan 9:25a, to rebuild) to when Messiah is cut off (Dan 9:26a) The 70th “week” (of years) remains to be fulfilled (literally) The return of Christ (& battle) ends the trib.

3. Its nature a. The seven seal judgments (Rev 6:1-8:5) 1) White horse –conquering power 2) Red horse –war & bloodshed 3) Black horse –famine 4) Pale horse –pestilence and death 5) Souls under the altar –martyrs 6) Great earthquake [interval] 7) Silence

b. The seven trumpet judgments (Rev 8:7-11:19) 1) Hail, fire, blood 2) Burning mountain 3) Star wormwood 4) Sun diminished 5) Plague of locusts (1st woe) 6) Plague of horsemen (2nd woe) [Interval] 7) Heavenly announcement (bowl judgments)

c. The seven key figures (Rev 12:1-13:18) 1) Woman –Israel 2) Dragon –Satan (3rd woe) 3) Male child –Christ 4) Michael –Archangel 5) Remnant –Saved Israel 6) Antichrist –Beast out of the sea 7) False Prophet –Beast out of the earth

d. The seven bowl judgments (Rev 15:1-16:21) 1) Boils 2) Sea to blood 3) Rivers to blood 4) Great heat 5) Darkness 6) Euphrates dried up 7) Hail

e. The seven dooms on Babylon (Rev 17:1-18:24) 1) Devoid of human life 2) Burned with fire 3) Destroyed in one hour 4) People afraid to enter her borders 5) Riches brought to nothing 6) Violently overthrown 7) All activity ceases

f. The return of Christ (Rev 19:1-21) Battle of Armageddon Marriage of the Lamb Return of Christ with the Church & His angels Antichrist & false prophet cast into lake of fire [from Tim LaHaye & Thomas Ice, Charting the End Times]

B. Its relation to the Church The Church is not mentioned in the OT The Church began when the Holy Spirit came The Church will experience persecution and tribulation, but not of the same nature and intensity as Israel in the tribulation period The Church is not destined for wrath The Church will be raptured before the trib.

C. Its relation to the return of Christ The rapture is the next anticipated prophetic event (the rapture is not equal to the return) The return of Christ takes place at the end of the tribulation The rapture has practical implications for the Church

II. The Tribulation Experience A. The general conditions of tribulation in the world There will be physical devastation on the earth There will be great economic impact There will be powerful spiritual influence

B. The Great Tribulation impact on the Jews “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (Matthew 24:9, NKJV)

1. External pressure –persecution There will be physical trial –persecution There will be martyrdom –killed There will be emotional rejection –hated “And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.” (Matthew 24:10, NKJV)

2. Internal pressure –betrayal There will be personal entrapment by deception There will be betrayal of believers [by Jews] There will be personal hatred of one another “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.” (Matthew 24:11, NKJV)

3. External pressure –deception There will be false sources of revelation and authority There will be intensified and effective deception “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12, NKJV)

4. Internal pressure –disaffection There will be a departure from conformity to law and order There will be a decline in affection for God and one another “But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” (Matthew 24:13, NKJV)

5. Internal resolve –endurance There will be some who will endure to the end through it all This is in contrast to others who will defect or die This is about temporal deliverance, not eternal salvation This is about those going through the trib.

Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14, NKJV)

6. External impact –witness There will be a positive witness even at this time This is the time of the 144,000 witnesses The intensity of the tribulation will motivate people to respond or reject the truth… This Gospel is equivalent to that in the Gospels for Israel [of John, Jesus & disciples]

What are the Great Tribulation lessons for us? This text and time are for Israel –we miss it! The Church will not go through this period There may be some parallels to events and experiences in our time… We can take heart that while we have multiple obstacles too, we have the HS... We should be motivated to share Christ...