Chapter 2: Atoms and Molecules of Ancient Earth Water: what’s the big deal? Polarity of water: *Hydrogen bonding *Cohesion water transport in plants adhesion
Water is the solvent of life *solution *solvent *solute *aqueous solution *polar and ionic molecules can be dissolved in water
Chapter 2: Chemical Components of Cells Hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances *hydrophilic *hydrophobic The dissociation of water molecules H2O H+ + OH- Acids and bases *acid *base
Chapter 2: Chemical Components of Cells The pH scale
Chemical Components of Cells *Organic chemistry *Carbon atoms *Tetrahedral shape Methane: Ethane: Ethylene:
Chemical Components of Cells Variations in carbon skeletons (hydrocarbons): Hydrocarbons in fats *Isomers OH catechol hydroquinone
Chemical Components of Cells *structural isomers *geometric isomers *enantiomers Example of enantiomers:
Macromolecules *macromolecule *most macromolecules are polymers monomer The making and breaking of polymers: Dehydration reaction: Hydrolysis:
Macromolecules *Proteins Polypeptide Protein
*Synthesis of a polypeptide