Organic Chemistry I W e l c o m e
Dr. Tim Schoof Instructor / Host
Course Outline Introduction to Organic Chemistry Organic Definition Reasons for Organic Chemistry Review of Major Concepts in Chemistry I (Chapter 1) Trends in the Periodic Table Atomic Theory
Course Outline Cont. Review of Major Concepts (Cont.) (Chapter 1) Bonding Chemical Formulas Lewis Structures Formal Charge Molecular Geometry Isomers Resonance
Course Outline Cont. Review of Major Concepts (Cont.) (Chapter 2) Physical Properties Functional Groups Test 1 IUPAC Nomenclature (Chapter 4) Basic Rules Side chains and substitutive groups
Course Outline Cont. IUPAC Nomenclature (Chapter 4) Ring Structures Bicyclic Compounds Side chains and substitutive groups Test 2 Alkanes (Chapter 4) Sources of Alkanes Petroleum Refining
Course Outline Cont. Alkanes (Chapter 4) Cracking Physical Properties Sigma Bonds and Bond Rotation Relative Stabilities (Energy & Stabilities) Chair Conformation Cis-Trans Isomers Chemical Reactions of Alkanes
Course Outline Cont. Stereochemistry (Chapter 5) Chirality Enantiomers History Biological Importance Nomenclature of Enatiomers +/- System D/L System (Chapter 22) R/S System
Course Outline Cont. Stereochemistry (Chapter 5 Cont.) Test 3 Fischer Projection vs. Haworth Formulas Anomers (Chapter 22) Polysaccharides (Chapter 22) Racemic Forms Meso Compounds Separation of Enatiomers Test 3
Course Outline Cont. Reactions (Chapter 6) Physical Properties of Alkyl Halides Substitution Reactions Sn2 Sn1 Sn2 vs. Sn1 Elimination Reactions E2 E1 Energy of Activation (Ea) vs. Collision