Organic Chemistry and Macromolecules
Organic Compounds Organic = Carbon 4 Valence electrons Molecular structure Covalent bonds
Hydrocarbons Carbon and Hydrogen Carbon skeleton Isomers Nonpolar 2-butene 1-butene
Functional Groups Group participating in reactions Polarity – hydrophilic Hydroxyl – alcohol Carbonyl – aldehyde/ketone Carboxyl – carboxylic acid Amino – amine Phosphate
Macromolecules Monomers → polymers All life from the same building blocks Protein from 20 amino acids DNA from 4 nucleotides Dehydration and hydrolysis
Monosaccharides Glucose and Fructose CH2O Ring Shape Cell fuel Raw material
Disaccharides Maltose Sucrose Glucose-Glucose Seeds Glucose-Fructose Sap Sugar cane, sugar beets
Sweet Taste 5 different taste receptors coat the tongue Sweetness is perceived based on bonding Fructose vs Sucrose Artificial sweeteners
Polysaccharides Storage Structure - Cellulose Starch Glycogen Roots Glucose Glycogen Liver, muscles Structure - Cellulose Chains, H-bonds, fibrils Fiber
Lipids Nonpolar Oil and Fats Energy storage (light weight) Triglyceride Saturated – Unsaturated Hydrogenated Cardiovascular disease
Other Lipids Phospholipids Waxes Steroids Cell membrane Phosphorus + 2 fatty acids Waxes Alcohol + fatty acid Water repellant Steroids 4 carbon rings Cholesterol Hormones Atherosclerosis
Proteins Amino Acids (20) Peptide Bonds Enzymes Antibodies Hydrolysis Carboxyl-Amino Enzymes Antibodies Signal Proteins Hemoglobin
Protein Shape Shape determines function Primary – sequence Secondary Alpha helix Pleated sheet Tertiary Globular Fibrous Quaternary – subunit interactions
Nucleic Acids