Targets, Assessment and Reporting Year 7 & Year 8
English and Mathematics Rationale - Progress 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 English and Mathematics Ebacc Qualifications Open Group Basket 1: English Basket 2: Mathematics Basket 3: Science x 1 Basket 4: Science x 2 Basket 5: EBACC Subject Basket 6: Option Subject* Basket 7: Option Subject* Basket 8: Option Subject* * The higher of the English Literature or Language grade will be used for Basket 1 with the remaining grade available to carry over into an ‘Open Group’ basket Or the best three of Sciences History Geography MFL Computing * Will be replaced with the English Literature or Language grade not used for Basket 1 if higher
Assessment and Reporting in Year 7 and Year 8 Context – alignment of Tracking (Learning Cycles) within the Trust Progress –setting targets and tracking progress Reporting –reporting to parents
New Year 7 - Scaled Scores The scale will centre around 100 points. This 100 points represents a child has met the new standard. In old money this would be roughly a level 4b. Centring around 100, the scale will run from 80 to 120. 120 Maximum score New Year 7 - Scaled Scores 100 Subject Performance: 100 Achieved Standard (AS) ≥ 110 Higher Performance (HS) <100 Not achieved Standard (NS) Student Average: High Ability Pupils (High) ≥110 Middle Ability Pupils (Mid) ≥97 Lower Ability Pupils (Low) <97 New standard 80 Minimum score Scaled score
Student achieved 113 Scaled Score in Reading EXAMPLE Student achieved 113 Scaled Score in Reading This means the student will be targeted in the range 7-9 for the Communication suite of subjects. STW Target Grade 8 Student achieved 105 Scaled Score in Maths This means the student will be targeted in the range 5-7 for the STEM suite of subjects. STW Target Grade 6 In the classroom the student will secure the KSU at the band relevant to the flightpath and be deepening and broadening whilst studying new and more rigorous content – however, they will be exposed to the skills and competencies required within the bands they are aspiring to. The Flightpath
Progress fluctuates between ‘on track’ and ‘on track to exceed’ KS2 scaled score 113 Progress fluctuates between ‘on track’ and ‘on track to exceed’ Exceed 4LP Grade 9 Tracking - HAP
Progress fluctuates between ‘on track’ and ‘on track to exceed’ KS2 scaled score 100 Progress fluctuates between ‘on track’ and ‘on track to exceed’ Meets 4LP Grade 6 Tracking - MAP
Tracking - LAP KS2 scaled score 86 Progress rapidly increases due to identification of KS2 gaps and intervention through integrated curriculum. Exceeds 5LP Grade 5 Tracking - LAP
What will progress look like in the classroom? Y7 LC1 Individual Pupils LC ‘signpost’ Band 2.1 KS2 scaled score 103 CA 2.1 KS2 scaled score range between 103-113 KS4 Target Range 5-9 Assessment Grids LC1 2.1-3.1 Students can articulate elements from assessment grid On track KS2 scaled score 103 CA 1.3 Students can speak confidently about progress made and security through ‘working in’ bands and entering, developing, securing KSU. What will progress look like in the classroom? Working towards KS2 scaled score 103 CA 2.2 On track (Exceeding) Students can show progress in books, show how they have closed the gap.
Parents receive formal assessment grades at least 3 times a year OLD Key Stage 2 Scores This tells us what your STARTING POINT is. Key Stage 2 Sub Level English Class Maths 4B 8XB/Enb 8x/Ma1b Attendance and Behaviour since Sept 2016 % Attendance to date Authorised Absence Unauthorised Absence Lates (2 Session/day) Achievement Points Behaviour Point 97.6 4 2 85 51 Subject Learning Cycle 1 January 2017 GCSE Target Band Progress Statement (in relation to flightpath) Engagement in Learning English Language 5-7 Working Towards Partially engaged English Literature On Track to Exceed Science On Track Art This box is the one which tells you your Engagement in Learning. This refers to the new PRIDE indicators. GCSE Target Band This tells us the range in which your END POINT should be. Progress Statement in relation to the flight path This tells you what your JOURNEY might look like.
Targets, Assessment and Reporting Year 9 - Year 11
How are targets set for KS4? KS2 SCALED SCORE Old KS2 Sub-Level 3 level progress 4 level progress 5 level progress 120 6a 8 9 119 118 6b 117 116 6c 115 114 5a 7 113 112 111 5b 110 109 108 5c 6 107 106 105 4a 5 104 103 102 4b 101 100 99 4c 4 98 97 96 3a 3 95 94 3b 93 92 3c 91 90 2a 2 89 88 2b 87 86 2c 85 84 1a 1 83 82 1b 81 80 1c N/A How are targets set for KS4? Your Child’s Target Is based on: KS2 scores Current attainment National Attainment in specific subjects
Targets, Assessment and Reporting Year 12 & Year 13
How are targets set for KS5? Post 16 students’ Targets are based on: KS2 scores (if GCSE / L2) Average GCSE Scores National Attainment in specific subjects using ALPs