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Presentation transcript:

For life of faith and Purpose CULTURE OF BLESSING For life of faith and Purpose

Life in God’s Kingdom Influential Life (family significance) Point people to Jesus (Life’s Solution!) Train them to Serve God’s Kingdom Purpose Meaningful Life Needs met (overflow) Help other’s needs (family-generations-nation)

SEEKING BLESSINGS Ancient World - religious and superstitious More powerful the deity, more important the blessing sought Blessings sought: Fertility, Prosperity, Protection, Healing, Power, favour Modern man: success – OT man: blessing

BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES on BLESSING Crucial for Israel to secure blessings from the Almighty God, only Creator and True Lord & King whose blessings no one can reverse The blessing that confers the power of fertility is inseparable from creation where the creator is the one who blesses and the created living being has the power to reproduce Blessing Curse Jer 17:5  This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.

BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES Gen 1:28 Adam and Eve blessed Gen 9:1 Noah and sons blessed Gen 12:2 Abraham’s covenant of blessing Gal 3:14 Christ redeems to receive blessing of Abraham Gal 3:19 Abraham’s blessing – descendents & land

God Blesses Family & next Gens Abrahamic Blessing – covenantal, applicable to descendents (even in Christ the seed) Davidic Blessing – spiritual throne 1Ki 2:45  ”King Solomon will be blessed, and David's throne will remain secure before the LORD forever.” Jesus also known as ‘son of David’

Why God’s Blessings Important? Desire for blessings is not to fan greed It is necessity Why? Sin brought curse – Satan and ground, man is under that influence Only God can reverse curse of fallen man and humanism (Jer 17:5-6) You are to continue Abraham’s blessing in nations

PRAYER to break curse and release blessings Reconciliation Repentance Renunciation Restoration Renewal – all things become new! Let us Pray!