Partner contribution: CNR-ISMAR AN (ITALY) EMODnet Chemistry WP1: Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status Partner contribution: CNR-ISMAR AN (ITALY) - Stefano Guicciardi - 1st Annual Meeting, June 17-18 2014, Split, Croatia 1
EMODnet Chemistry Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status Parameters in sediment Parameters in seawater Group Heavy metals Organic matter Hydrocarbons Fertilisers and other nitrogen- and phosphorus-rich substances Acidity Radionuclide Organic and inorganic pollutants Pesticides and biocides Group Fertilisers and other nitrogen- and phosphorus-rich substances Nutrients Acidity Plankton Microbiology Already submitted (or in progress): 1305 stations Already submitted (or in progress): 91 stations 1st Annual Meeting, June 17-18 2014, Split, Croatia 2
EMODnet Chemistry Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status Spatial and temporal data coverage (I) CNR-ISMAR AN 6.2004-6.2009 CNR-ISMAR Lesina 5.2002-8.2007 CNR-ISMAR TS 5.2006-11.2009 1st Annual Meeting, June 17-18 2014, Split, Croatia 3
EMODnet Chemistry Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: current status Spatial and temporal data coverage (II) CNR-ISMAR VE 7.2003-7.2011 CNR-IAMC 5.2002-8.2007 1st Annual Meeting, June 17-18 2014, Split, Croatia 4
Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: Next steps EMODnet Chemistry Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: Next steps Elaboration of data from CNR ISMAR Lesina Elaboration of data from CNR ISMAR Bologna 1st Annual Meeting, June 17-18 2014, Split, Croatia 5
Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: Criticalities EMODnet Chemistry Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: Criticalities Code retrieving in NEMO 1st Annual Meeting, June 17-18 2014, Split, Croatia 6
EMODnet Chemistry Data collection and metadata compilation in sea regions: Personal acknowledgements ISMAR: A. Campanelli, F. Grilli, P. Scarpini OGS: A. Altenburger, E. Partescano IFREMER: M. Fichaut, V. Tosello MARIS: F. Gheorghe R. Lowry 1st Annual Meeting, June 17-18 2014, Split, Croatia 7