Mrs. Van De Sompele’s Fourth Grade Class I have sent home the Monday folder. In the folder there is a packet that you must sign and send back. There is also a anti- bullying agreement that must be singed. This month we will be working on building a community within the classroom. We will be going over expectations in the classroom and the school. During this time we will be reviewing the different subjects. Homework will not start for a few weeks as I assess your student’s reading and math level. I really enjoyed meeting students and parents at the Renton Park BQ. If you haven’t had a chance to meet me please feel free to introduce yourself before or after school. Email: Phone: 425-204-2993 I’m so excited for this coming school year. I look forward to meeting all my students and parents. My name is Mrs. Van De Sompele or Mrs. V. I have been in education for 23 years. I have worked in the Renton School District for 11 years. I have two children Josh 21 and Anna 15. My husband and I have a love for animals and gardening. I also take care of my mother so your student may mention me talking about her.
Word Work: Focusing on sentence structure. 1. September 19th Curriculum Night…more information coming home. 2. School starts Monday-Thursday at 8:30am and on Friday 10:00am. 3. Please sign weekly behavior charts. Behavior charts will come home every Monday. Math: In math we are working on place value to a million and multiplying by tens. Reading: We are learning about Realistic Fiction and how to become better readers. Writing: We are creating Realistic Fiction Stories and learning about the Arc of a Story, Character Development and Elements of a Story. Word Work: Focusing on sentence structure. We have had a great start to the school year. I have really enjoyed getting to know your children. I am looking forward to this coming school year. 1. Specials: Monday (Music) Tuesday (Library) Wednesday (Music) Thursday (PE) Friday (PE) 2. Behavior Charts come home Monday and need to be signed and returned. 3. There will be Math homework each night along with reading. I give 30 minutes at the end of the day for students to work on their homework if they need extra support. If they do not finish it during that time then they can take it home. Please be asking your students about their homework. 4. If you would like to donate a healthy snack please feel free. Snack is at 10:30am each day but not Friday.
Mrs. Van De Sompele’s Fourth Grade Class Reading and Writing-We will continue learning about Realistic Fiction. We are learning about characters, setting and plot. Towards the end of the month we will work on Non-Fiction and Weather. Word Work- We will learn about Prefixes. Math- We will finish up place value, rounding and adding and subtracting with carrying/regrouping. Science- We will learn about Magnetism. October 6th No School October 10th Chess Club Begins. October 11th Picture Day October 11th Special Speaker coming in to teach a science lesson. Thank you for all those that have donated to snack time I really appreciate it. Thank you for signing your student’s behavior sheet. If there is any parent who would like to volunteer on Fridays to help with math stations from 10:50-11:50am please let me know. Please remind your students to turn in their Library books and to remember their blue folders. Still be looking for the behavior charts that come home every Monday. Please remind your student to finish their math and reading homework Monday-Thursday. All Green Day forms are for Fourth Graders too. Thank You Mrs. Van De Sompele