高职高专外语组 大学英语 综合/读写 British Hat Culture 张霞霖
newsboy cap top hat beanie baseball cap
fedora trilby decorative hat
Elizabeth II the queen of color
social events of the year for both the gentry and ladies
Celebrity The Royal Family Society Members
Outline Hat &Weather Hat History Hat Language
1 Hat and Weather
island North Atlantic Drift Variable
cloche hats
2 Hat history
Medieval Age Flat cap
Medieval Age
Flat cap working class
Victorian Age
businessman in bowler
The Edwardian Era Millinery is the designing and manufacture of hats. A millinery shop is a store that sells those goods.
During the 1940s Headscarf Turban women working in factories
Flat cap Medieval Age class Bowler Victorian Age class Ornaments The Edwardian Era gender Headscarf Turban gender During the 1940s The 21st century Variety of hats
The 21st century Renaissance A vintage year for hats
Renaissance comeback of millinery color technique style advent of modern milliner Popularity of Stockport Hat Works Museum
Multicultural background Freedom & Individuality
3 Hat language
Hat vocabulary A akubra alpine hat B balaclava balmoral baseball cap batting helmet beanie bearskin hat beret bicorne biretta boater bonnet bowler C cap chapeau chef's hat cloche coonskin hat cowboy hat cricket helmet crown cycling helmet D deerstalker derby diving helmet dunce cap E engineer's cap equestrian helmet F fedora fez flat cap football helmet G glengarry H hat headdress helmet hard hat homburg J jester's hat Juliet cap K knit cap M miter mortarboard motocross helmet N nightcap P Panama hat pillbox hat pith helmet porkpie R rainhat riding cap S ski cap ski helmet skull cap snood sombrero space helmet stovepipe hat straw hat sun bonnet sun hat swim cap T tam tam o'shanter ten-gallon hat tiara top hat toque tricorne turban V Viking helmet visor W watch cap witch's hat Y yarmulke Z zucch
bowler top hat panama hat
Hat terminology
Hat natural attribute utility class gender social attribute occupation occasion other stations style technique sartorial/artistic attribute color material ……