Instructor: Dr. Upali Siriwardane Chemistry 281(01) Winter 2015 CTH 277 10:00-11:15 am Instructor: Dr. Upali Siriwardane E-mail: Office: 311 Carson Taylor Hall ; Phone: 318-257-4941; Office Hours: MTW 8:00 am - 10:00 am; Th,F 8:30 - 9:30 am & 1:00-2:00 pm. January 13, 2015 Test 1 (Chapters 1&,2), February 3, 2015 Test 2 (Chapters 2 & 3) February 26, 2015, Test 3 (Chapters 4 & 5), Comprehensive Final Make Up Exam: March 3
Chapter 1. Atomic Sturcture Chapter 1. Atomic structure Introduction: The origin of the elements 3 The structures of hydrogenic atoms 4 1.1 Spectroscopic information 6 1.2 Some principles of quantum mechanics 8 1.3 Atomic orbitals 9 Many-electron atoms 15 1.4 Penetration and shielding 15 1.5 The building-up principle 17 1.6 The classification of elements 20 1.7 Atomic properties 22
Origin of Elements in the Universe Scientists have long based the origin of our Universe on the Big Bang Theory. According to this theory, our universe was simply an expanding fairly cold entity consisting of only Hydrogen and Helium during it's incipient stages. Over the expanse of many years, and through a continuing process of fusion and fission, our universe has come to consist of numerous chemical elements, four terrestrial planets (Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury), and five giant gas planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus).
Eight Steps in the History of the Earth 1. The Big Bang 2. Star Formation 3. Supernova Explosion 4. Solar Nebula Condenses 5. Sun & Planetary Rings Form 6. Earth Forms 7. Earth's Core Forms 8. Oceans & Atmosphere Forms
Nuclear Chemistry Fusion is lighter nuclei coming together to form heavier. Fission is heavier nuclei breaking in to lighter nuclei. Mass is not conserved E=mc2 Nuclear reactions are balanced by A (mass) and Z (atomic) number. Energy released is E=mc2, m is mass defect in amu mutiplied by the conversion factor (931.5 MeV/amu) Binding energy of nuclei expressed in Mev/nucleons
Balancing Nuclear Equations
Nuclear Binding Energy The binding energy of a nucleus is a measure of how tightly its protons and neutrons are held together by the nuclear forces. The binding energy per nucleon, the energy required to remove one neutron or proton from a nucleus, is a function of the mass number A. (Dm) –mass defect (Dm) = Mass of Nuclide - mass of (p + n +e ) Proton mass: 1.00728 amu Neutron mass: 1.00867 amu 931.5 MeV/amu Electron mass: 0.00055 amu Mass defect (Dm), then multiply by
Bonding Energy Curve
Nuclear Fusion Reactions Nuclear energy, measured in millions of electron volts (MeV), is released by the fusion of two light nuclei, as when two heavy hydrogen nuclei, deuterons (2H), combine in the reaction
Nuclear Fission Reactions Nuclear energy is also released when the fission (breaking up of ) of a heavy nucleus such as U is induced by the absorption of a neutron as in
Origin of the Elements: Nucleosynthesis Elements formed in the universe's original stars were made from hydrogen gas condensing due to gravity. These young stars "burned" hydrogen in fusion reactions to produce helium and the hydrogen was depleted. Reactions such as those below built up all the heavier elements up to mass number 56 in the periodic table. When the stars got old they exploded in a super nova, spreading the new elements into space with high flux of neutrons to produce heavy elements by neutron capture.
Supernova Explosion
The nucleo-synthesis of light elements Stellar nucleo-synthesis Elements carbon to Iron is form by nuclear fusion in stars after all H is converted to He. Double star Supernova White dwarf (dense ball of carbon/oxygen) steals material from another star and get heated releasing huge energy. It goes to nuclear overload and carbon/oxygen suddenly fuses to iron and it explodes known as type 1a supernova. Most of the elements up to iron in the universe
The nucleosynthesis of heavy elements Havier elements are formed during Supernova explosion. Giant one star supernova explosions A heavier star buns all its H and nuclear burning goes faster and forms layer after layers of new elements with increasing mass number up to iron. Core collapses and become denser and the star explodes. Iron capture neutrons and all heavier elements beyond iron. Corpse of supernova explosion leaves a core neutrons. Rotating neutron produces EM pluses creating a pulsar Hypernova explosions: g-ray bursts
Cosmic Abundances
Terrestrial Abundances
Stability of the Elements and Their Isotopes P/N Ratio Why are elements With Z > 82 are Unstable?
Terrestrial Abundances
Magic Numbers Nuclei with either numbers of protons or neutrons equal to Z, N =2 (He), 8(O), 20 (Ca), 28(Si), 50(Sn, 82(Pb), or 126(?)(I) exhibit certain properties which are analogous to closed shell properties in atoms, including anomalously low masses, high natural abundances and high energy first excited states.
The structures of hydrogenic atoms :Bohr Theory The Bohr model is a ‘planetary’ type model. Each principal quantum represents a new ‘orbit’ or layer. The nucleus is at the center of the model.
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen Bohr studied the spectra produced when atoms were excited in a gas discharge tube. He observed that each element produced its own set of characteristic lines.
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen Line Spectrum Energy is absorbed when an electron goes from a lower(n) to a higher(n) Energy is emitted when an electron goes from a higher(n) to a lower(n) level Energy changed is given by:DE = Ef - Ei or DE = -2.178 x 10-18 [1/n2f - 1/n2i] J DE is negative for an emission and positive for an absorption DE can be converted to l or 1/ l by l = hc/E.
Bohr model of the atom The Bohr model is a ‘planetary’ type model. Each principal quantum represents a new ‘orbit’ or layer. The nucleus is at the center of the model. RH = 2.178 x 10-18 J En = RH 𝒁𝟐 𝒏𝟐 En = - 𝒎𝒆𝒁𝟐𝒆𝟒 𝟖𝒉𝟐𝟐𝒏𝟐
What is Bohr’s Atomic model? explain emission spectrum of hydrogen atom applied the idea of Quantization to electrons to orbits energies of these orbits increase with the distance from nucleus. Energy of the electron in orbit n (En): En = -2.178 x 10-18 J (Z2/n2) En = -2.178 x 10-18 J 1/n2; Z=1 for H
Spectra of many other atoms can be described by similar relationships. Bohr model of the atom Balmer later determined an empirical relationship that described the spectral lines for hydrogen. En = - 𝒎𝒆𝒁𝟐𝒆𝟒 𝟖𝒉𝟐𝟐𝒏𝟐 ( ) 1 nf2 ni2 - DE = - 2.178 x 10-18 J nf = 2 ni = 3,4, 5, . . . Blamer series Spectra of many other atoms can be described by similar relationships.
Paschen, Blamer and Lyman Series
Calculation using the equation: E = -2 Calculation using the equation: E = -2.178 x 10-18 (1/nf2 - 1/ni2 ) J, Calculate the wavelength of light that can excite the electron in a ground state hydrogen atom to n = 7 energy level.
Calculation using Bohr eqaution The energy for the transition from n = 1 to n = 7: DE = -2.178 x 10-18 J [1/n2f - 1/n2i]; nf = 7, ni = 1 DE = -2.178 x 10-18 [1/72 - 1/12] J DE = -2.178 x 10-18 [1/49 - 1/1] J DE = -2.178 x 10-18 [0.02041 - 1] J DE = -2.178 x 10-18 [-0.97959] J = 2.134 x 10-18 J (+, absorption) calculate the l using l = hc/E 6.626 x 10-34 Js x 3.00 x 108 m/s l = ---------------------- 2.13 x 10-18 J l = 9.31 x 10-8 m
Wave- Particle Duality of Matter and Energy Wave theory applies to electromagnetic radiation EMR can also be described as particles quanta :A particles of light energy. Quantum: One particle of light with a certain energy. Photon: A stream of Quanta Wave theory could be applied to electrons
Wave theory of the electron 1924: De Broglie suggested that electrons have wave properties to account for why their energy was quantized. He reasoned that the electron in the hydrogen atom was fixed in the space around the nucleus. He felt that the electron would best be represented as a standing wave. As a standing wave, each electron’s path must equal a whole number times the wavelength.
De Broglie waves De Broglie proposed that all particles have a wavelength as related by: l = wavelength, meters h = Plank’s constant m = mass, kg v = frequency, m/s l = h mv
Wave Character of Electrons
What is a wave-mechanical model? motions of a vibrating string shows one dimensional motion. Energy of the vibrating string is quantized Energy of the waves increased with the nodes. Nodes are places were string is stationary. Number of nodes gives the quantum number. One dimensional motion gives one quantum number. Vibrating String : y = sin(npx/l) d2y/dx2 = -(n2p2/l2)sin(npx/l) = -(n2p2/l2)y
Constructively Interfered 2D-Wave
How did Schrodinger come up with a equation started with The “Vibrating String” and the "Particle in a One-dimensional Box“ solutions Vibrating String : y = sin(npx/l) d2y/dx2 = -(n2p2/l2)sin(npx/l) = -(n2p2/l2)y Since l = 2l/n; d2y/dx2 = -(4m2v2/h2)y 1/l2= 4/ l2n2; l = h/mv; 1/l2 = 4/ l2n2 = 4m2v2/ h2 Particle in an One-dimensional Box: d2y/dx2 = -(4m2v2p2/h2)y E = ½mv2 + V or v2 = (2/m)(E-V) d2y/dx2 = -(8mp2/h2)(E - V)y
= wave function E = total energy V = potential energy Schrödinger Equation = wave function E = total energy V = potential energy
Polar Coordinates
Schrödinger Equation in Polar Coordinates
Solutions to Shrődinger Equation Series of allowed discrete values: n, l, ml, ms n = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7..etc. En = - 𝒎𝒆𝒁𝟐𝒆𝟒 𝟖𝒉𝟐𝟐𝒏𝟐
Components of Mathematical expression of hydrogen like orbitals in polar coordinates: n, l, ml, ms (r,,) = R n, l, (r) Y l, ml, (,) R n, l, (r ) = Radial Wave Function Y l, ml, (,) =Angular Wave Function
Quantum model of the atom Schrödinger developed an equation to describe the behavior and energies of electrons in atoms. His equation ( Wave function ) is similar to one used to describe electromagnetic waves. Each electron can be described in terms of Wave function its quantum numbers. n, l, ml, ms), 2 is proportional probablity of finding the electron in a given volume. Max Born Interpretation: 2 = atomic orbital
Quantum Model of atom Electrons travel in three dimensions Four quantum numbers are needed three to describe, x, y, z, and four for the spin four quantum numbers describe an orbital currently used to explain the arrangement, bonding and spectra of atoms.
Quantum numbers Principal quantum number, n Tells the size of an orbital and largely determines its energy. n = 1, 2, 3, …… Angular momentum, l The number of subshells (s, p, d, f) that a principal level contains. It tells the shape of the orbitals. l = 0 to n - 1
Quantum numbers Magnetic quantum number, ml Describes the direction that the orbital projects in space. ml = l to +l (all integers, including zero) For example, if l = 2, then ml would have values of -2, -1, 0, 1 and 2. Knowing all three ml numbers provide us with a picture of all of the orbitals.
Four Quantum Numbers of the Atom n value could be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. . . etc. l values depend on n value: can have 0 . . . (n - 1) values ml values depends on l value: can have -l . , 0 . . . +l values of ml ms values should always be -1/2 or +1/2
Radial Distribution Function, Pnl(r). This is defined as the probability that an electron in the orbital with quantum numbers n and l will be found at a distance r from the nucleus. It is related to the radial wave function by the following relationship: R n, l, (r ) = Radial Wave Function Y l, ml, (,) =Angular Wave Function ; normalized by
R n, l, (r) only no Y l, ml, (,) s-Atomic orbitals R n, l, (r) only no Y l, ml, (,) s orbitals
s-Atomic orbitals 2s 3s
p-Atomic orbitals 2p 3p
Nodes in the Total nodes = n -1 Radial nodes = n -1- l Angular nodes = l Eg 4d orbital: Total nodes = 4 -1 = 3 Radial nodes = n -1- l = 4-1-2 = 1 Angular nodes = l = 2
. Rnl(r) Pnl(r) n l 1s 1 2s 2 2p 3s 3 3p 3d Radial wavefunctions, Rnl(r), and the radial distribution functions, Pnl(r)
Representative d orbitals
Classification by sublevels p H He d Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Hf Zr Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba Lu Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Lr La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb f Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No
Atomic Orbitals of Multi-Electrnon Atoms Unlike a hydrogen-like atom multi-electron atoms there are electron-electron repulsions. Schrodinger equation cannot be solved analytically for multi-electron atoms. However, it is possible to obtain a crude solution for a multi-electron atom by employing a relatively simple construct. The "effective" nuclear charge for each electron is used in place of nuclear charge in the equations for a hydrogen-like atom
Screening (shielding) constant (σ) Screening (shielding) constant (σ) for each electron is calculated based on: the principle quantum number orbital type and penetration and of all other electrons in an atom. σ gives Zeff . Zeff = Z - σ; Z is the atomic number. σ is the screening constant calculated by Slater Rules
Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) Zeff is the nuclear charge felt by an electron in a multielectron atom: Each electron in an atom has different Zeff. Each Zeff is less than atomic number (Z) since electrons screen each other from the nucleus. Zeff depends on the n and l quantum number of an electron. Zeff Depends on orbital type the electron is in: Zeff of 4s > 4p > 4d > 4f.
Radial Distribution Functions, Penetration and Shielding
Penetration & Shielding of an Electron in Multi-electron Atom Penetration of an electron: Greater the penetration there is more chance of electrons being located close to the nucleus. Comparing s, p, d, or f orbitals within same shell (or principle QN), penetration of an electrons are in the order: s > p> d > f Shielding power of an electron: Shields of other electrons depends penetration and the orbital type. Shielding power of electrons in orbitals of that same shell are: s > p > d > f
Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) of Atomic Orbitals vs Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) of Atomic Orbitals vs. Z (atomic number)
How do you get the electronic configuration of an atom? Use periodic table Periodic table is divided into orbital blocks Each period: represents a shell or n Start writing electron configuration Using following order 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d… (building up (Auf Bau) principle:)
What is Building Up (Auf Bau) Principle Scheme used by chemist to obtain electronic configuration of a multi-electron atom in the ground state by filling hydrogen like atomic orbital starting with lowest energy. 1s 2s 2p3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p 6s 4f 5d 6p 7s 5f 6d… (building up principle) If two or more orbitals exist at the same energy level, they are degenerate. Do not pair the electrons until you have to.
What is Pauli Exclusion Principle: Electrons in an atom cannot have all four of their quantum numbers equal. Eg. He: 1s2 electron orbital n l ml ms ________________________________ 1s1 1 0 0 +½() 1s2 1 0 0 -½()
The classification of the elements Dobereiner Triads Newlands called the Law of Octaves Mendeleyev’s periodic table Lothar Meyer’s atomic volume curves Glen Seaborg atomic number and long form
Dobereiner Triads Cl 35.5 Li 7 S 32 Br 79 Na 23 Se I 127 K 39 Te 128
Newlands’ Law of octaves Li Be B C N O F Octaves 2 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
Lothar Mayer’s atomic volume curves
Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table
Long Form of Periodic Table
What is periodic table? Describe its use in chemistry? All elements in a group have similar chemical properties Group I- alkali metal:Li, Na, K Rb, Cs, Fr Common ele.n conn: ns1 Group II- alkaline earth metals:Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra: Common ele.n conn: ns2 Group VII- Halogens: Cl, Br, I, At: Common ele.n conn:ns2 np5 Group VIII- Noble gases:He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn: Common ele.n conn ns2 np6
Chemical properties and the periodic table Electron configurations help us understand changes in atomic radii, ionization energies, and electron affinities. Various trends in reactivity can be observed. Main group metals become more reactive as you go down a group. Reactivity of nonmetals decreases as you go down a group. Transition metals become less reactive as you go down a group.
Other ways of numbering groups in the periodic table Several methods are used for numbering periodic table groups American chemists preferred method. The IUPAC old system. The IUPAC current system. The American Chemical Society (ACS) has also adopted the current IUPAC system.
Other numbering systems Previous IUPAC Current IUPAC and ACS Preferred US H Li Na K He Be Mg Ca Zn Cu Ti Sc Ni Co Fe Mn Cr V Ga Kr Br Se As Ge Al Ar Cl S P Si B Ne F O N C IA IIA IIIA IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA 0 IIIB IVB V B VIB VIIB VIII B IB IIB 1 2 3 4 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 IA IIA III B IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA VIIIA IB IIB
Filling order of orbitals
Filling order of orbitals
Electronic Configuration of elements (core format) Tl 5d10 6s2 6p1 Hg 4f14 Au 6s1 Hf 5d2 Lu 5d1 Li 2s1 Na 3s1 Cs Rb 5s1 K 4s1 Fr 7s1 Pt 5d9 Ir 5d7 Os 5d6 Re 5d5 W 5d4 Ta 5d3 H 1s1 He 1s2 Rn 6p6 At 6p5 Po 6p4 Bi 6p3 Pb 6p2 Cd 4d10 5s2 Ag Zr 4d2 Y 4d1 Pd Rh 4d8 Ru 4d7 Tc 4d5 Mo Nb 4d3 Lr 6d1 7s2 Ba Be 2s2 Mg 3s2 Sr Ca 4s2 Ra Zn 3d10 Cu Ti 3d2 Sc 3d1 Ni 3d8 Co 3d7 Fe 3d6 Mn 3d5 Cr V 3d3 In 5p1 Xe 5p6 I 5p5 Te 5p4 Sb 5p3 Sn 5p2 Ga 4p1 Kr 4p6 Br 4p5 Se 4p4 As 4p3 Ge 4p2 Al 3p1 Ar 3p6 Cl 3p5 S 3p4 P 3p3 Si 3p2 B 2p1 Ne 2p6 F 2p5 O 2p4 N 2p3 C 2p2 Gd 4f7 5d1 6s2 Cm 5f7 6d1 7s2 Tb 4f9 Bk 5f9 Sm 4f6 Pu 5f6 Eu Am Nd 4f4 U 5f3 Pm 4f5 Np 5f4 Ce 4f1 Th 6f2 Pr 4f3 Pa 5f2 Yb 4f14 No 5f14 La Ac Er 4f12 Fm 5f12 Tm 4f13 Md 5f13 Dy 4f10 Cf 5f10 Ho 4f11 Es 5f11
Using the periodic table To write the ground-state electron configuration of an element: Starting with hydrogen, go through the elements in order of increasing atomic number As you move across a period Add electrons to the ns orbital as you pass through groups IA (1) and IIA (2). Add electrons to the np orbital as you pass through Groups IIIA (13) to 0 (18). Add electrons to (n-1) d orbitals as you pass through IIIB (3) to IIB(12) and add electrons to (n-2) f orbitals as you pass through the f -block.
Writing electron configurations Examples O 1s2 2s2 2p4 Ti 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d2 4s2 Br 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p5 Core format O [He] 2s2 2p4 Ti [Ar] 3d2 4s2 Br [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p5
Writing electron configurations Example - Cl- First, write the electron configuration for chlorine: Cl [Ne] 3s2 3p5 Because the charge is 1-, add one electron. Cl- [Ne] 3s2 3p6 or [Ar]
Writing electron configurations Electron configurations can also be written for ions. Start with the ground-state configuration for the atom. For cations, remove a number of the outermost electrons equal to the charge. For anions, add a number of outermost electrons equal to the charge.
Writing electron configurations Example - Ba2+ First, write the electron configuration for barium. Ba [Xe] 6s2 Because the charge is 2+, remove two electrons. Ba2+ [Xe] or [Kr] 3d10 4s2 4p6
Hund’s Rule Rule to fill electrons into p,d,f orbitals containing more than one sublevel of the same energy. filling p, d, f orbitals: Put electrons into separate orbitals of the subshell with parallel spins before pairing electrons. The existence of unpaired electrons can be tested for since each acts like a tiny electromagnet. Paramagnetic - attracted to magnetic field. Indicates the presence of unpaired electrons. Diamagnetic - pushed out of a magnetic field. Indicates that all electrons are paired.
Orbital Box Diagrams Valence Shell Electron configuration shown in box or circle form.
Exception to Building Up Principle a) Electronic Configuration of d-block and f-block elements d5 or d10 and f7 or f14 are stable Cr :[Ar] 3d4 4s2 wrong Cr :[Ar] 3d5 4s1 correct Cu :[Ar] 3d9 4s2 wrong Cu :[Ar] 3d10 4s1 correct
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lanthanoids La 5d1 6s2 Ce 4f1 5d1 6s2 Pr 4f3 6s2 Nd 4f4 6s2 Pm 4f5 6s2 Sm 4f6 6s2 Eu 4f7 6s2 Gd 4f7 5d1 6s2 Tb 4f9 6s2 Dy 4f10 6s2 Ho 4f11 6s2 Er 4f12 6s2 Tm 4f13 6s2 Yb 4f14 6s2
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Actinoids Ac 6d1 7s2 Th 6f2 7s2 Pa 5f2 6d1 7s2 U 5f3 6d1 7s2 Np 5f4 6d1 7s2 Pu 5f6 7s2 Am 5f7 7s2 Cm 5f7 6d1 7s2 Bk 5f9 7s2 Cf 5f10 7s2 Es 5f11 7s2 Fm 5f12 7s2 Md 5f13 7s2 No 5f14 7s2
Exception to Building Up Principle Electronic Configuration of Transition Metal cations d-block and f-block elements d orbitals are lower in energy than s orbitals f orbitals are lower in energy than d orbitals E.g. Neutral atom Fe :[Ar] 3d6 4s2 Cation, Fe3+ :[Ar] 3d5
Magnetic Properties of Atoms a) Paramagnetism? attracted to magnetic field due to un-paired electrons. b) Ferromagnetism? attracted very strongly to magnetic field due to un-paired electrons. c) Diamagnetism? Repelled by a magnetic field due to paired electrons.
Periodic trends Atomic radii Ionic radii First ionization energies Many trends in physical and chemical properties can be explained by electron configuration. We’ll look at some of the more important examples. Atomic radii Ionic radii First ionization energies Electron affinities
How does Zeff vary across a period and down a group? Zeff increase going across a period Zeff decrease going down a group
Types of Atomic Radii 1 Covalent Radii: Radii based on covalently liked atoms in covalently bonded molecules. 2 Van der Waals Radii: Radii based on non bonded atoms in solids. 3 Metallic Radii (12-coordinate):Radii based on metallic solids. 4 Ionic Radii: Radii based on bond distances in ionic solids.
How does Atomic radii of atoms vary going across a period? Atomic radii depend on the distance from the nucleus to the outermost electron in the valence shell. Going across protons are added to nucleus This increase the Zeff decreasing radii Atomic radii decrease going across a period
How does Atomic radii of elements vary going down a group? Atomic radii depend on the distance from the nucleus to the outermost electron in the valence shell. Going down the group outer most shell increases radii hence the distance from the nucleus The atomic radii increase going down a group
How does Ionic radii of elements vary? Cations have smaller radii than neutral atoms. Anions have larger radii than neutral atoms The more charge on the ion more effect on the radii.
Atomic radii of elements going down a group?
Atomic radii for the main group (s,p block) elements Li Be B C N O F Na Mg Al Si P S Cl K Ca Ga Ge As Se Br Rb Sr In Sn Sb Te I Cs Ba Tl Pb Bi
Atomic radii of the representative- main group elements Atoms get larger as you go down a group. A new shell is being added. Atoms get smaller as you go across a period. The nucleus contains more protons. The higher charge attracts the electrons more strongly, making the atom smaller.
Lanthanoide Contration Filling of the 4f orbitals in the lanthanides, which occur within the third series of transition elements, causes these transition metals to be smaller than expected because the 4f orbitals are very poor nuclear shielders and Zeff of 6s2 obitals increase and the atomic radii decrease. 3rd-series elements have nearly the same effective nuclear charge as the 2nd-series elements, and thus, nearly the same size Ce [Xe] 4f1 5d16s2
Ionic radii Cations These are smaller than the atoms from which they are formed. For main group elements, the outer shell of electrons is removed. The positively charged ion can also do a better job of holding on to the electrons that remain.
Ionic radii Anions These are larger than the atoms from which there are formed.. Adding electrons increases the repulsion between electrons. The ion has a harder time holding on to the electrons.
Ionic radii (pm) Li Li+ Be Be2+ O O2- F F- 152 74 111 35 74 140 71 133 152 74 111 35 74 140 71 133 Na Na+ Mg Mg2+ S S2- Cl Cl- 186 102 160 72 103 184 99 181 K K+ Ca Ca2+ Br Br- 227 138 197 100 114 195 Rb Rb+ Sr Sr2+ I I- 248 149 215 116 133 216 Cs Cs+ Ba Ba2+ 265 170 217 136
Isoelectronic configurations Species that have the same electron configurations. Example Each of the following has an electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 O2- F- Ne Na+ Mg2+ Al3+
What is Ionization Potential? The energy required to remove an electron from an atom. First Ionization Energy (DH1 ): Ca ----> Ca+ + e-; DH1 = positive Second Ionization Energy (DH2) Ca+ ----> Ca2+ + e-; DH2 = positive DH2 > DH1
How does Ionization Potential vary going down a group? Ionization Potential depend on Zeff of the nucleus to the outermost electron in the valence shell. Going down the group Zeff for the outer most shell decrease hence the Ionization Potential also decrease Going across the period Zeff for the outer most shell increase hence the Ionization Potential also increase
Ionization energy First ionization energy The energy to remove one electron from a neutral atom in the gas phase. A(g) + first ionization energy A+(g) + e- This indicates how easy it is to form a cation. Metals tend to have lower first ionization energies than nonmetals. They prefer to become cations.
First ionization energy He Ne Ar Kr First ionization energy (kJ/mol) Xe Rn Atomic number
Changes of I.E. Across a period
Electron affinity A measure of an atom’s tendency to gain electrons in the gas phase. A(g) + e- A-(g) + thermal energy Electron affinity is an irregular periodic function of atomic number. In general, it increases from left to right. Noble gases are not included since they have little or no tendency to gain electrons.
How does Electron Affinity vary in the periodic table? Electron Affinity depends on Zeff of the nucleus to the outermost electron in the valence shell. Going down the group Zeff for the outer most shell decrease hence the Electron Affinity also increase Going across the period Zeff for the outer most shell increase hence the Electron Affinity also decrease
Electron affinity Atomic number
Electronegativity Pauling Electronegativity, cP The ability of an atom that is bonded to another atom or atoms to attract electrons to itself. It is related to ionization energy and electron affinity. It cannot be directly measured. The values are unitless since they are relative to each other. The values vary slightly from compound to compound but still provide useful qualitative predictions.
Electronegativity is a Electronegativities Electronegativity is a periodic property. Electronegativity Atomic number
Electronegativity Scales Pauling Electronegativity, cP Mulliken Electronegativity, cM The Allred-Rochow, cAR Sanderson electronegativity Allen electronegativity
Pauling Electronegativity, cP EA-A and EB-B bond-energy of homonuclear A-A & B-B diatomic molecules EA-B bond-energy of heteronuclear A-B diatomic molecule cA cB are electronegativity values of A and B Pauling comments that it is more accurate to use the geometric mean rather than the arithmetic mean
Mulliken Electronegativity, cM The Mulliken electronegativity can only be calculated for an element for which the electron affinity is known For ionization energies and electron affinities in electronvolts For energies in kilojoules per mole
The Allred-Rochow, cAR The effective nuclear charge, Zeff experienced by valence electrons can be estimated using Slater's rules, while the surface area of an atom in a molecule can be taken to be proportional to the square of the covalent radius, rcov. When rcov is expressed in ångströms,
Sanderson, cs Sanderson has also noted the relationship between electronegativity and atomic size, and has proposed a method of calculation based on the reciprocal of the atomic volume. The simplest definition of electronegativity is that of Allen, bases on average energy of the valence electrons in a free atom Allen, cA where εs,p are the one-electron energies of s- and p-electrons in the free atom and ns,p are the number of s- and p-electrons in the valence shell.