Jutarat Luanpholcharoenchai Airway management Jutarat Luanpholcharoenchai
Topic modules Anatomy of airway Evaluation of airway Airway equipments Intubation & ventilation techniques (-> W : Airway Management)
Respiratory tract UPPER TRACT
Anatomy of larynx
Trachea& Lungs Trachea : Adult 12-15 cm , Newborn 4 cm Right mainstem : larger, shorter and less angle Endobronchial intubation RUL atelectasis
Evaluation of airway History Physical examination
History Disease & Underlying disease mass/ tumor infection trauma contracture obesity Congenital& variation
History History of previous anesthesia general anesthesia history of difficult intubation
Physical examination Airway examination Airway investigation
Airway examination General contour Oral cavity Inter incisor distance Mallampati classification Thyromental distance Neck circumference Range of motion of neck
Mallampati classification Laryngoscopic view
Difficult intubation Suspected inter incisor < 3 cm TMD < 6 cm Mallampati class >3 neck circumference > 40 cm limited TM joint or neck AO axis movement
Investigation X-ray Neck Chest CT
Airway Equipments Artificial airway devices : supraglottic airway & endotracheal tube Anesthesia mask Laryngoscope etc……..
Artificial airway Endotracheal tube Orotracheal tube Nasotracheal tube Double lumen tube Semirigid tube :armored, anode tube RAE tube Supraglottic airway LMA (laryngeal mask airway) Laryngeal tube Oropharyngeal / nasopharyngeal airway
Endotracheal tube Less mucosal damage Sore throat Aspiration Spontaneous extubation More mucosal damage!
Endotracheal tube Nasotracheal tube Cuff RAE tube Double lumen tube Uncuff
Endotracheal tube sizes Age Internal diameter (mm.) Length (cm.) Full term child 3.5 10-12 Child Age(yr)/4 +4 Age(yr)/2 +12 Adult -Female -Male 7.0-7.5 7.5-8.0 20-22 21-24
Supraglottic airway LMA LARYNGEAL TUBE
Oral airway: oropharyngeal airway Vomitting Gag reflex Airway obstruction!!!
Nasal airway : nasopharyngeal airway Too long enter esophagus Mucosal injury/bleeding Better tolerance
Anesthesia mask
Rigid laryngoscope Bulb Curve blade “Macintosh” Electrical contact Handle Straight blade
Lever-Tip Laryngoscope Blade
Etc….. Self inflating bag stylet
Intubation & ventilation techniques
Indications for Definitive Airway Airway Protection Ventilation 1.Unconscious 1.Apnea Neuromuscular Paralysis Unconscious 2.Severe Maxillofacial fracture 2.Inadequate Respiratory Effort Tachypnea Hypoxia or Hypercarbia 3.Risk for aspiration Bleeding Vomiting 3.Severe closed head injury with need for hyperventilation 4.Risk for obstruction Neck hematoma Laryngeal, tracheal injury/burn
Equipments for endotracheal intubation Rigid laryngoscope Endotracheal tube Anesthesia mask Airway : oral, nasal Syringe 10 cc Stylet Suction Stethoscope Anesthesia machine, breathing system ,self inflating bag Monitoring : pulse oximeter, capnograph Other : Plaster, lidocaine jelly
Techniques for routine intubation Preoxygenation with 100% oxygen Administration of induction agent Loss of eyelash/verbal reflex Mask ventilation Administration of neuromuscular block Intubation Confirm ETT in trachea
Airway maneuvers Head-tilt chin-lift Jaw-thrust maneuver
Face mask ventilation One hand two hand the two-hand mask hold is most effective KEYS SUCCESS a patent airway an adequate mask seal proper ventilation
Sniff position 10 cm.
Intubation Techniques Valeculla
Complication of intubation During laryngoscope & intubation Malpositioning : esophageal intubation Airway trauma : injury to tongue, lip etc. Physiological reflexs : hypoxia, HT, tachycardia, laryngospasm Tube malfunction : cuff perforation While tube is in place Malpositioning :bronchial intubation Airway trauma : injury to mucosa Tube malfunction : obstruction Following extubation Airway trauma : hoarseness, edema/stenosis of subglottic, trachea Negative pressure pulmonary edema laryngospasm
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