Mrs. Bates’ Classroom Procedures and Expectations
Why Do We Have Procedures? They are a part of life – we follow procedures all the time. They can help things to run more efficiently, and make things safer. They help to establish our classroom culture, making it a better environment to learn.
How to Enter the Classroom Calmly enter the room and take your seat. Immediately get to work at your desk. Do not enter if the door is closed or if there is not a teacher present.
Starting Class You start the class- not the teacher! Take out any homework that is due and turn it into the tray. Copy down tonight’s homework. Complete the “Do Now” activity on the board.
What to Do With Your Belongings All of your belongings should be placed on the shelf under your chair or under the table. Make sure nothing is in the aisles. For safety reasons, please DO NOT lean back in your chair!
If You Are Absent An “Absent Buddy” will fill out a “Ketchup” sheet and write down what you missed. Any papers passed out will be stapled to this sheet. Make sure YOU pick up your work when you return to school!
If You Are Tardy Tardy means arriving after class has started. Put your late pass in the teacher’s inbox. If you do not have a pass, plan on explaining why you were late. Make sure this doesn’t become a habit!
If You Do Not Have Your Homework Get a “Homework Excuse Note” from the folder. Fill it out. All of it. Be honest. Hand this paper in when the teacher collects your homework. Don’t let it happen again!
Turning in Papers Homework needs to be handed in when it is due - NOT late - and NOT early! Pass all papers to the right. People at the end should pass the entire row down. The last person should bring all of the papers to the teacher’s desk.
Turning in Papers Homework needs to be handed in when it is due - NOT late - and NOT early! Pass all papers to the right. People at the end should pass the entire row down. The last person should bring all of the papers to the teacher’s desk.
(I love this student! He looks so prepared!) Sharpening a Pencil Please sharpen pencils before class begins. Do not sharpen pencils when the teacher is speaking. Only one person at a time at the pencil sharpener. (I love this student! He looks so prepared!)
Using the Bathroom You need permission to use the bathroom. Really. Ask me. Only one girl or one boy are allowed out at a time. Put the Bathroom Pass on your neck and go. Wash your hands before you come back PLEASE!
Using the Classroom Library The books in this room have been donated – treat them with respect. Handle all books gently. Return each book to the bookcase when you are finished with it.
When the Teacher Wants Your Attention When I want your attention, I will: Stand in front of the class Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking
When the Teacher Wants Your Attention When I want your attention, I will: Stand in front of the class Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking
When the Teacher Wants Your Attention When I want your attention, I will: Stand in front of the class Raise my hand Wait for everyone to be quiet Begin speaking
When You Want the Teacher’s Attention Raise your hand. Wait for me to respond. Be patient. I may be helping another student. Please interrupt me if it is an emergency! Don’t be this guy.
How to Set Up a Paper Each paper should have four things in the top left hand corner: Your first and last name The date The class section The assignment
If You Finish Your Work Early Check to make sure that you answered all the questions. Is there a back side? Study. Organize your binder. Read a book from the classroom library. Start working on your homework.
Classroom Discussions Please participate! We want to hear what you have to say! Make all questions or comments relevant to the current discussion or topic. Please refrain from shouting out ideas. Have respect for your classmates’ ideas.
Focus and Refocus If you are disturbing class by not following the proper procedures, I will call your name and say, “Focus.” This is your warning. If you continue disrupting class, I will tell you to “Refocus” and you will receive detention.
Classroom Detention Notice These are given out to students breaking classroom rules or behaving inappropriately. If you get one: Read it. Sign it. Correct your behavior and get back to work. Take it home to your parents and have them sign it. Bring it back to me the next day. Serve you detention within 3 days.
If You Feel Sick Tell your teacher or a classmate if you feel really sick and can’t wait. Please tell me if you feel faint, it may not be safe for you to go alone!
If You Think You Are Going to Throw Up! If possible, tell someone near you that you feel sick. Head DIRECTLY to the bathroom! Do not sign out! Do not take a pass! JUST GO!!!!!
If the Fire Alarm Goes Off Stop what you are doing immediately. Quickly and quietly line up at the door. Head for the designated exit. Shut the door if you are the last person out of the room. No talking in line.
End of Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses the class, not the clock! Class is over when I say “Have a great day!” Do not start packing up ahead of time. Pick up the floor around you. Take all of your belongings with you.