SLEEP DISORDERS "Sleep well, rest well, live better" Soraya Román Abad
contents 1. Introduction 2. Restless legs syndrome 3. Narcolepsy 5. Insomnia 6. Sleepwalking 7. Sleep apnea My name is Soraya and I´m going to talk about sleep disorders. First I will introduction the topic and them I will discas the most frequent sleeping disorders. Like for example…
WHAT ARE SLEEP DISORDERS? INSOMNIA NARCOLEPSY SYNDROME OF TIME GAP SLEEPWALKING, SLEEP APNEA, RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME Sleep disorders, also known as sleeping sickness, are problems with sleeping and include difficulty to get to sleep or to remain slept, to fall asleep at inappropriate moments, to be too sleepy or abnormal conducts during sleep. There are more than 100 different sleep disorders and wakefulness that can be grouped in four principal categories. Problems to get to sleep and to fall a slept: insomnia Problems to remain awake: narcolepsy Problems to maintain a regular sleep schedule: syndrome of time gap Unusual behaviors during sleep (In my essay, I will speak about those who appear in each group)
SLEEP The stress to which we are subjected, food and harmful habits of life are also guilty of lack of sleeping hours many people suffer, but also substances such as caffeine, alcohol and nicotine alter normal sleep cycles. For this reason, it is so important to leave aside all these old habits and to lead a healthy and balanced diet that will benefit our rest. Sleep is a biological state of uniform rest, essential for all living beings.
RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME of the world population They are sometimes called "night walkers" Some doctors say that this disorder may affect 10% of the world population. This syndrome can cause a decrease in the quality of sleep (insomnia) and can lead to daytime sleepiness, anxiety or depression. It is a neurological disorder characterized by unpleasant feelings in the legs and an uncontrollable urge to move and walk when you are resting.
CAUSES It occurs most frequently in middle-aged and older adults. To injury of peripheral nerves The reduction of the accumulation of iron By the increase uric acid in the blood This syndrome can be related to a decrease of dopamine It occurs most frequently in middle-aged and older adults. Its cause is unknown in the majority of patients, but in some cases, it may be due: On the other hand, it is believed that the origin of this syndrome can be related to a decrease of dopamine, which is a brain neurotransmitter necessary for the preparation and coordination of movements. It occurs most frequently in middle-aged and older adults.
symptoms treatment There is no specific evidence for this syndrome and nor there is a cure. The treatment is aimed to reduce stress and help the muscle relaxation (e.g. doing stretches, massages, etc). It produces discomfort in the lower part of the leg between the knee and the ankle. The treatment is aimed to reduce stress and help the muscle relaxation
In some cases, some people may remain asleep for an hour or more OK narcolepsy The people who suffer it can fall asleep involuntarily anywhere. If the impulse of sleeping that they have is very intense, the patients remain asleep during periods that last from a few seconds to several minutes It is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the inability of the brain normally to regulate sleep cycles and wake up.
STRESS INFECTIONS HORMONAL CHANGES EMOTIONAL TRAUMA PROBLEMS IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM causes What has been proved is that certain environmental factors such as stress, infections, hormonal changes, emotional trauma, problems in the functioning of the immune system, etc., are some of the factors that can trigger or aggravate narcolepsy. The narcoleptic syndrome causes are still unknown, but it is believed to be linked to a genetic predisposition
symptoms CATAPLEXY: EXCESSIVE DAYTIME SLEEPINES: SLEEP PARALYSIS: Feeling of mental confusion Lack of energy Depressed mood Extreme tiredness. Feelings of weakness and loss of voluntary muscle control SLEEP PARALYSIS: HALLUCINATIONS: Its main symptoms are excessive daytime sleepiness and cataplexy (it occurs in about 70% of patients), whereas sleep paralysis and hallucinations are less common (between 10 and 15% of patients). These four symptoms always appear during the course of the disease. Excessive daytime sleepiness: the patients who suffer it describe it as a feeling of mental confusion, lack of energy, depressed mood and extreme tiredness. Cataplexy: it is a sudden loss of muscle tone which leads to feelings of weakness and loss of voluntary muscle control. Sleep paralysis: it is the inability to move or speak for a brief period of time when waking up or falling asleep. Hallucinations: They are very real and often frightening experiences. The inability to move or speak for a brief period of time when waking up or falling asleep They are very real and often frightening experiences
Multiple testing sleep latency TEST AND TREATMENTS Multiple testing sleep latency Polysomnogram There are two essential tests to confirm its diagnosis: the polysomnogragram and the multiple testing sleep latency This disease may not be cured, but the excessive daytime sleepiness and Cataplexy, the most incapacitating symptoms of the disorder, can be controlled with drug therapy in the majority of patients The Narcolepsy is not definitively diagnosed in the majority of patients until 10 or 15 years after the first symptoms appear
According to the duration of insomnia Transitional Insomnia Short-term or acute insomnia: Chronic insomnia insomnia According to the duration of insomnia, we can also find: transitional Insomnia :its duration is less than one week. Short-term or acute insomnia:usually lasts from one to four weeks. Chronic insomnia:lasts for four weeks or more. Insomnia is a disorder that involves the inability to get to sleep or stay asleep
causes Physiological change Lifestyle Drugs Physical or psychological pathologies Some of the most important causes are: Physiological change: Aging produces changes in sleep pattern. A Reduction of sleep hours and the quality of sleep and an increase of daytime sleepiness are frequent in older people. Lifestyle: schedule due to different changes. Drugs: antihypertensive drugs, hormones, stimulants, steroids, antidepressants, decongestants, caffeine... Physical or psychological pathologies: for example Eating disorders, Endocrine disorders and Neurological Disorders. causes
PREVENTION AND TREATMENT COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY It improves sleep hygiene, control the stimuli that cause insomnia and regular schedules Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most effective, having this kind of treatment a 70% of success. It improves sleep hygiene, control the stimuli that cause insomnia and regular schedules: For exmple:Avoid heavy meals and Establish a time routine to fix the biological clock. DRUG: Patients should not self-medicate in any case, since these substances can worsen their condition, generating resistance or create addiction. DRUG TREATMENT In the case of the physical ones, hynotics are given before going to bed and in the case of the psychological ones, anxiolytics, antidepressants or Neuroleptics.
SLEEPWALKING Develop automatic motor activities People who have sleepwalking, also called somnambulism, develop automatic motor activities that can be simple or complex. The sleepwalkers can go out of bed, walk, urinate, or even leave the house while they are unconscious and without probability of communication Develop automatic motor activities The sleepwalkers can go out of bed, walk, urinate, or even leave the house while they are unconscious and without probability of communication
SYMPTOMS TREATMENTS Open eyes during sleep Do not remember the episode of sleepwalking Talk about sleep and say things that don't make sense. Walk while you sleep People don't need any specific treatment, but there are cases in which tranquilizers 19% of the world´s population is prone to suffer from somnambulism OK Men tend to sleepwalking more than women OK It has a lot of symptoms, but some are: (CUADRO NARANJA) Most of the people who suffer it don't need any specific treatment, but there are cases in which tranquilizers are prescribed them for reducing sleepwalking episodes. In case of sleepwalking in adults, it is possible to be treated with hypnotism CURIOUS FACTS
Sleep apnea The Sleep apnea is a common disorder where the breathing is interrupted or becomes very superficial
causes symptoms THE OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA: , In it, the breathing system narrows or gets blocked during sleep CENTRAL APNEA: The brain that controls breathing does not send the correct signals to the respiratory muscles. Intense snoring or long pauses in breathing while sleeping A headache in the morning Forgetfulness Moodiness There are two types of sleep apnea according to the problem causing it: - The obstructive sleep apnea: it is the most common type. In it, the breathing system narrows or gets blocked during sleep, causing a shallow breathing or pauses in breathing. People suffering from apnea often snore quite strong. - Central apnea: it is a less common type of sleep apnea. It happens when the part of the brain that controls breathing does not send the correct signals to the respiratory muscles. As a result, the person does not make an effort to breathe for short periods.
TREATMENTS The main treatment for sleep apnea is the continuous positive pressure of respiratory tract. Surgical treatment to help correct the anatomy of respiratory tract: TONSILLECTOMY The CPAP mask provides gentle pressure to keep the airway open and unobstructed Sometimes, it is also recommended surgical treatment to help correct the anatomy of respiratory tract. Tonsillectomy is a common treatment for childrem with obstructive sleep apnea
Good Night and Sweet Dreams