Peckham & Nunhead Community Council: Important Issues For Pedestrians Southwark 10th November 2014 1
1. Peckham High Street 2. Rye Lane 3. Linking Up Green Spaces 4. Surrey Canal Route 5. Bellenden Road Gyratory
Crown Copyright ©. All rights reserved. (0)1000192522010 TfL’s east-west Red Route (A202) is also a town centre! Carriageway width fluctuates – vehicles speed up and slow down Crown Copyright ©. All rights reserved. (0)1000192522010 Poor pedestrian environment High number of road casualties NB Peckham High St - traffic volumes DOWN 32% 2000 to 2013 (DfT)!
Balance of Space Queen’s Road - 2 lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Balance of Space 1 2 3 4 5
Balance of Space
Peckham Town Centre – Location of Casualties: Last 3 Years (2011 to 2013)
More consistent road widths; maximise the space for people = less dominated by vehicles. Reducing wasted space – wider, less crowded pavements. Improved pedestrian and shopping environment – fewer casualties, better for high street shops and businesses.
1. Peckham High Street 2. Rye Lane 3. Linking Up Green Spaces 4. Surrey Canal Route 5. Bellenden Road Gyratory
Rye Lane Casualties: Last 3 Years
Balance of space
Balance of space
Role of Buses New Technology: Limit speeds to 20mph OR shared space and max 10/15 mph.
Clutter Bus flow essential but traffic volumes are low; better balance between space for people and vehicles needed Shared space and ultra-low speeds Safe crossing throughout the length of Rye Lane Appearance: clutter, waste management and greenery Places to stop and spend time (Co Design theme)
1. Peckham High Street 2. Rye Lane 3. Linking Up Green Spaces 4. Surrey Canal Route 5. Bellenden Road Gyratory
Parks and Open Spaces
Walworth Green Routes
East Walworth Green Route created 2013 – Salisbury Row Park to Burgess Park Bagshot St
Holly Grove
Warwick Gardens
Trafalgar Ave – Burgess Park & Canal Path
1. Peckham High Street 2. Rye Lane 3. Linking Up Green Spaces 4. Surrey Canal Route 5. Bellenden Road Gyratory
Weekday morning 8am
AM Peak – Cycle Flow (into London) Location AM Peak – Cycle Flow (into London) Surrey Canal Path (Southwark Cyclists Count) 830 Walworth Rd Northbound (TfL Count) 893 Southwark Bridge Northbound (TfL Count) 1,465 Camberwell Road Westbound (TfL Count) 1,041
Sumner Road – 100 yards away and official cycle route LCN+ 22! Design to Quietway Standards
1. Peckham High Street 2. Rye Lane 3. Linking Up Green Spaces 4. Surrey Canal Route 5. Bellenden Road Gyratory
Copeland and Consort Road Gyratory Removal (Heaton Rd) Southwark Monitoring Report - Before (2010); After (2012): 1. Traffic Speeds Copeland Rd Northbound – 0.9mph decrease Heaton Rd Westound - 7.7mph decrease 2. Traffic Volumes Copeland Rd Northbound – 24% decrease Heaton Rd Westbound - 32% decrease
Lyndhurst Way - Northbound
Bellenden Road - Northbound
Holly Grove Opportunities: Less intimidating environment for pedestrians, residents and cyclists Safer access to green spaces and easier road crossings More efficient use of road space inc cycle lanes