Mastering Search Engine Optimization Course description 1st edition Lecturer: Farhad Eftekhari | © Farhad Eftekhari
Content Course description Topics Assignments Practical arrangements 1/9 Course description Topics Assignments Practical arrangements Assessment Grading References Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
Course description 2/9 The goal of this course is for the student to be familiar with process of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and learn to affect the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines results to increase the number of visitors coming from search engines. SEO is one of the most practical concepts of web development. After passing this course, the student will be able to analyze the SEO status of a web application and provide solutions to empower such web application in SEO concepts. Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
Topics INTRODUCTION INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED 3/9 History of Internet Things that matters robots.txt file Internet Archive Page titles Disallowing Search Engines Internet before Google Meta tags Introduction to Search Engines Rel="canonical" URLs structure Myths & Misconceptions How do Search Engines work? Site navigation Internet Marketing Using social media Headings Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Tools What is Search Engine Optimization? Content Alexa Rank Hyperlinks Google Trends Importance of SEO skill Why does my website need SEO? Images PageSpeed Insights Introduction to Google Analytics (EXTRA) Meaningful error pages White hat and black hat techniques Web/Mobile Working with Google Analytics (EXTRA) The Impact of Usability and User Experience on SEO Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
Assignments - Introduction 4/9 The assignments has been designed for the students to have a better understanding over course’s topics and personally be able to follow the instructors and do the assignments in an innovative and interactive way. A big portion of assessments will be dedicated to the assignment, and the students need to return it to the teacher after the course in order to be assessed. Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
Assignments - Parts Exercises Sessions diary Feedback 5/9 Exercises Problems/Solutions Videos Sessions diary Feedback Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
Practical arrangements 6/9 Items Time Lectures 5x4 = 20h Labs Assignment 25h Diary 3h Self-study 35h Quiz 2h Project 5h Total: 110 hours Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
Assessment 7/9 the students need to return the assignments to the teacher after the course in order to be assessed. Quiz will be held in the last session. The student must do it on her/his own, and it is going to contain 40 simple questions regarding the course material. Project will be held in the last session. Any type of materials are free to use (Just like real life situations, when you are working on a project!) Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
Grading Points Grade Description 90-100 5 80-89 4 70-79 3 60-69 2 8/9 Points Grade Description 90-100 5 Excellent performance: not only fulfils all standard requirements, whether, demonstrates originality and imagination. 80-89 4 Very good performance: fulfilling all tasks in an appropriate manner. 70-79 3 Good performance: showing strong understanding of basic concepts and good grasp of techniques, but with certain minor problems still requiring further attention. 60-69 2 Satisfactory performance: demonstrating basic grasp of concepts and techniques but less adept at more advanced application of these. 50-59 1 Sufficient performance: showing just enough understanding of the subject to merit a pass grade but requiring greater effort to achieve a more satisfactory result. 0-49 Fail: 30-49: insufficient to pass but capable of achieving a more satisfactory result if greater effort is made. 0-29: a result indicating a significant lack of effort on the part of the student. Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
References Tutorial videos Slides 9/9 Mastering Search Engine Optimization| Course description | © Farhad Eftekhari
I hope you have a wonderful class! Thank you for your consideration! @etechclass I hope you have a wonderful class! Copyright © 2016 by Farhad Eftekhari All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below. Helsinki Metropolia UAS Bulevardi 31 00079 Heksinki, Finland | © Farhad Eftekhari