Paul Eglitis [IEEE] and Siri Jodha S. Khalsa [IEEE] Interoperability and Data Access Overview Session 3.2: Interoperability and Standards in relation to the DMPs Paul Eglitis [IEEE] and Siri Jodha S. Khalsa [IEEE] 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
Interoperability and Standards GEOSS Implementation Plan Reference Document: “GEOSS interoperability arrangements are to be based on the view of complex systems as assemblies of components that interoperate primarily by passing structured messages over network communication services. By expressing interface interoperability specifications as standard service definitions, GEOSS system interfaces assure verifiable and scaleable interoperability, whether among components within a complex system or among discrete systems. ” Interoperability is achieved at service interfaces where the interface details are known to all components. GEOSS Interoperability may be achieved with a combination of Technical Standards, Special Arrangements and Best Practices. Technical Standards (i.e. as published by an SDO ) provide a recognized means to establish a well-defined interface. The GEOSS registries document resource information and the interfaces specifications, referencing the applicable Technical Standards or Special Arrangements. Use of brokers and mediators to further facilitate interoperability. Alternative approach is that the tools interrogate service interface and harvest service interface details … but still dependent on a minimum interface definition. Standards Special Arrangements Best Practices 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
Standards in the context of the GCI Registries 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
GEOSS Standards Registry 3: Includes other Registry Functions 2: Provides description, sources, contact details ... 1: An Inventory of GEOSS Standards 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
Best Practices Wiki Provides an open forum for converging on best practice recommendations and reviews. Reaches out to a broad community. Flexible structure can be easily adapted using lessons learned. Now expanded to include tutorials (more to come) including use of Technical Standards. ... 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
Tools and Facilitators Given the use of Technical Standards and Special Arrangements for interoperability, tools to facilitate are also required. Support Groups, e.g. The SIF Data Dictionaries, Taxonomies – encourage semantic interoperability Software Frameworks, Standards compliant IDEs, Schema and metadata authoring tools, compliance checking tools – make building interoperability easier. The basic building blocks are well established and become simpler as System of Systems concepts have evolved: REST, SOAP to exploit Web Services XML, RDF encode and represent information SPARQL for semantic query ... etc Challenges are still uptake and avoiding different interpretation of the same metadata value. 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum Standards and the DMPs 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
GEOSS Interoperability Worskhop Data Management Principles Category Principle Discoverability DMP-1 Metadata for Discovery Accessibility DMP-2 Online Access Usability DMP-3 Data Encoding DMP-4 Data Documentation DMP-5 Data Traceability DMP-6 Data Quality Control Preservation DMP-7 Data Preservation DMP-8 Data and Metadata Verification Curation DMP-9 Data Review and Reprocessing DMP-10 Persistent and Resolvable Identifiers Table Reference: Data Management Principles Implementation Guidelines, GEO-XII – 11-12 November 2015 Document 10 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Worskhop
Data Management Principles Workshop focus: Metadata, Traceability and Quality Control. The three key Data Management Principles: DMP-1: Data and all associated metadata will be discoverable, through catalogues and search engines, and data access and use conditions, including licenses, will be clearly indicated. DMP-5: Data will include provenance metadata indicating the origin and processing history of raw observations and derived products, to ensure full traceability of the product chain. DMP-6: Data will be quality-controlled and the results of quality control shall be indicated in metadata; data made available in advance of quality control will be flagged in metadata as unchecked. One should note! The same themes are relevant in the context of other DMPs. For example: Traceability is also an aspect of DMP-4. and DMP-10 that cover references to data description in peer- reviewed journals and the use of persistent, resolvable identifiers to ensure precise citation and data provider acknowledgement. Metadata is an element of DMP-4 Data Documentation “via formal structured metadata” Quality control is implicit to DMP-9 on Data Review and Reprocessing Reference: Data Management Principles Implementation Guidelines, GEO-XII – 11-12 November 2015 Document 10 Some examples of the relationship between standards and the DMPs are provided in the next slides. 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
Metadata for Discovery DMP-1 Types of Standard Comments/Examples Data and all associated metadata will be discoverable through catalogues and search engines, and data access and use conditions, including licenses, will be clearly indicated Data connectivity, publication and usage of data Linked Open Data, Standards and BPs; e.g. Linked Data Platform 1.0 Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices: Catalog/Registry Service - standards that support exposure of metadata repositories for e.g. distributed searches OpenSearch OGC Catalogue Service Constraints – provide the control on use and licensing Data Usage Agreements IP issues This is the area of the GEOSS Legal Interoperability Subgroup 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum Traceability DMP-5 Types of Standard Comments/Examples Data will include provenance metadata indicating the origin and processing history of raw observations and derived products, to ensure full traceability of the product chain. Specific detail of metadata standard – the standards shall include provenance records. e.g. Earth Observation Metadata profile of Observations & Measurements OGC 10-157r4 includes: subsetOf (Link to the “father” EO product), linkedWith (Specify a link to another EO product ) Challenges: Tools to exploit this information Organizations to define and use the provenance information in the same way 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum Quality DMP-6 Types of Standard Comments?Examples Data will be quality-controlled and the results of quality control shall be indicated in metadata; data made available in advance of quality control will be flagged in metadata as unchecked. Process standards so that Quality Information is derived consistently ISO 19114:2003 Geographic information -- Quality evaluation procedures Management of quality information ISO/FDIS 19157 Geographic information Data quality - recognises the different viewpoints of the data provider and the consumer Specific Metadata for quality information Typically included in most metadata encoding standards. Not forgetting, QA4EO : “Working with experts in the various EO communities to harmonise best practices in their respective areas.” 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
Citation and Acknowledgement Types of Standard Comments/Examples Data description in peer-reviewed journals and the use of persistent, resolvable identifiers to ensure precise citation and data provider acknowledgement. Metadata for the corresponding identifiers ... e.g. Provenance Vocabulary Core Ontology Specification - provides classes and properties for describing provenance of Web data. Note: Issues addressed in context of GEOSS DataCore and the development of GEOSS Data-CORE metadata tags placed in the metadata in order to: “(i) allow users to discover and identify the GEOSS Data-CORE data, and (ii) inform the data users of any conditions attached to the use of the data.” 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum References GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2025: Implementing GEOSS // Reference Document nce_Document.pdf GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) Architecture Design Document Version: 1.0, Date: 15 November 2012, Prepared by: IN-03 Task Team Global Earth Observation System of Systems GEOSS, 10-Year Implementation Plan Reference Document, 10-Year Implementation Plan Reference Document GEO 1000R February 2005, The GEOSS Standards Registry was used to select many of the Standards included in the examples / discussion: QA4EO: GEOSS Best Practices Wiki: GEOSS DataCore: %20Instructions%20for%20GEOSS%20Data%20Providers%20How%20to%20place%20tags%20in%20the%20Me tadata%20for%20GEOSS%20Data_CORE.pdf W3 OGC Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices Data Management Principles Implementation Guidelines, GEO-XII – 11-12 November 2015 Document 10 XII_10_Data%20Management%20Principles%20Implementation%20Guidelines.pdf 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Workshop Standards and Interoperability Forum
Questions / Discussion / Defer to end of Session 3? 2016-OCT-20 GEOSS Interoperability Worskhop