9/8/17 Happy Friday Warmup: Pick up your name card from your folder. Turn in papers with signatures Pick up a comp book. TODAY: Notebook Setup
NOTEBOOK INSTRUCTIONS Graph-ruled composition book.
NOTEBOOK INSTRUCTIONS 1. Outside Front Cover Write in ink: Your Name (first and last) class name class period Mr. McLeod
2. Outside Edge [SEE SAMPLES] Student photographer 2. Outside Edge Use a gold/silver Sharpie pen to neatly write your name. Mr. McLeod has sharpies. [SEE SAMPLES]
3. Safety Rules Tape safety rules on inside front cover.
4. Course Syllabus Fold and Tape course syllabus on inside front cover so you can flip it and read the back side. Safety rules will be underneath. 1 piece of TAPE HERE
5. Team Roles Tape Team Roles on inside back cover.
Save the first page. Leave it blank.
6. Table of Contents (TOC) On the next 4 pages make Table of Contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Topic Page 1 2 3 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Topic Page # TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Topic Page # TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Topic Page # TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Topic Page # use a ruler
7. Number pages Starting with the blank page after the TOC pages, number the lower outside corner with 1. Continue labeling every page up to page 30. 1 2
8. Vocabulary Go to the very last page in your notebook, and start a vocabulary page: Vocabulary Word Page #
Team check, Grade = 7 points When whole table is done, call me for grade. Cover and edge labeled Three papers taped in TOC pages Numbered pages Vocabulary Page Waiting or done? 1) Pick up an index card. 2) CLEARLY write your name on it and turn in.
~ School Appropriate Things Only ~ OPTIONAL: Make a cover with pictures that summarizes YOU (color, sketch, add stickers…). You may borrow a glue stick in class. ~ School Appropriate Things Only ~
Sunrise or Sunset?
Your brain gets smarter when it’s used Your brain gets smarter when it’s used. So no matter where you’re at, the more you use your brain, the smarter you get! . . .
8. Fill in Table of Contents: Date Topic page Sept 9 Safety Contract. 1 “First Three Days” 2 Bruin Bear/Paw 3
3. September Calendar A note about tape… Write your name on the calendar. Tape calendar upside down on one edge so it’s like a flip chart and can be read when it’s flipped open.
4. Team Roles Tape team roles on the inside front cover
On page 3, write notes on the first-day demonstration. 10. Acetone Demo Notes On page 3, write notes on the first-day demonstration. Sep 4, 2013 Demo: Acetone ?’s What I observed: What we talked about: Summary/Reflection 2
Pocket Make a pocket in the inside back cover to hold specific papers: Fold a blank sheet of paper “hamburger style”. Cut or fold the paper and tape inside the back cover to make a pocket for holding papers.
7. Pocket, continued September Calendar Write your name on the calendar. Place the calendar in the back pocket. Course Summary & Safety Contract Fold these papers and place in the back pocket.