Core Curriculum Literacy and CCR Anchor Standards Training 16 November 2011-Hybrid Workday #2 “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build the youth for our future.” – FDR Arami Bolick 884-9567 Issue (Q and A) Bin:
K-W-L: (10 minutes) K- What do you know about the Common Core Essential Standards? List any terms you have heard, etc.. Use post-its on chart in room or wallwisher: W- What would you like to know about the Common Core? Use post-its on chart in room or wallwisher: Review K and W and Discuss (10 minutes)
Review of the Why, the What, and the Who of the Common Core (20 minutes) - -21st Century Learners - -Bloom’s Revised -Race to the Top; College Ready, Set, Go; College and Career Readiness; ACRE; Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, Member States - Handout – Quick View of Important Terms - Video: common-core-to-life.html “Bringing the Common Core to Life”
The Common Core State Standards: Are aligned with college and work expectations Are focused and coherent Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards Are internationally bench marked so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society Are based on evidence and research Are state led – coordinated by NGA Center and CCSSO NGA – National Governor’s Association and Council of Chief State School Officers International benchmarking played a significant role in the standards. In the CC Appendix A, p. 41, there is information on the international models that were consulted. 11/15/11 • page 5 5
NEW, BETTER, DIFFERENT Fewer, Clearer, Higher Rooted in the criteria of “fewer, clearer, higher,” the Common Core State Standards (CCSS, 2010) reflect a strong belief that fewer core standards allow a deeper focus on essential knowledge and skills, that clearer standards can be implemented with rigor and instructional creativity, and that higher standards help all students to learn deeper content knowledge and acquire meaningful authentic skills needed to achieve in a 21st century global society. Bill Gates article: Fewer, Clearer, Higher 11/15/11 • page 6 6
Breakdown of Terms, Acronyms, Phrases (15 minutes) - Handout of Terms:
Breakdown of Terms, Acronyms, Phrases (15 minutes) - Handout of Terms: Handout Graphic Organizer of The Anchors:
BREAK (10 minutes)
Ø Introduction to Reading and Organizing the Common Core/Essential Standards - Video common-core-to-life.html“Bringing the Common Core to Life – Part 4” - Anchor Standards (Reading and Writing Cross Curricular; ELA adds Language and Speaking and Listening) **Slides to follow with Breaking Down the Anchors** -Annotating the Anchors and Growing a Standards – Activities (Strands, Clusters, Standards (Ex RI6) - Tech Standards - **Anchors and CC Essential Standards in Literacy Cross- Curricular Curriculum Maps:
Ø Introduction to Reading and Organizing the Common Core/Essential Standards - Video common-core-to-life.html“Bringing the Common Core to Life – Part 4” - Anchor Standards (Reading and Writing Cross Curricular; ELA adds Language and Speaking and Listening) **Slides to follow with Breaking Down the Anchors** -Annotating the Anchors and Growing a Standards – Activities (Strands, Clusters, Standards (Ex RI6) - Tech Standards - **Anchors and CC Essential Standards in Literacy Cross- Curricular Curriculum Maps:
What might the Common Core State Standards look like in our classrooms? (20 minutes) - Handout: “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - Video: common-core-to-life.html “Bringing the Common Core to Life – Part 6” -Informal Discussion
L of KWL (10 minutes) - What have you learned about the Common Core Literacy Standards and CCR Anchor Standards thus far? (Use post-its on chart in room or wallwisher: