United States Forces, Japan This Briefing is Classified UNCLASSIFIED USFJ PTEC Update As of 3 Dec 13 This Briefing is Classified UNCLASSIFIED
Education Issues Dual High School and College Credit Common Core Standards Implementation
USFJ Assigned Strength As of 4th Quarter, FY13 Force Restructuring (Estimates below for Military Members and GS Only - NOT including dependents; dependent estimates will have to be calculated using Service formulas and would be added to the numbers below.) Atsugi to Iwakuni @ 1300 personnel in FY16/17 New helicopter units moves in to NAFA after CVW 5 moves out, backfills @ 600 complete FY16 Marine forces (@9,000) to off Okinawa tentatively completed FY30+/-, of which @ 5000 to Guam tentatively NET arrival of FY21 Tanker unit moves from Futenma to Iwakuni in FY14 (@ 400) Other changes forecast in out years due to DPRI LOCATION MILITARY CIVILIAN DEPENDENTS Mainland 26,296 5,112 23,051 Okinawa 27,683 3,445 19,558 53,979 8,557 42,609
Japan District Students Okinawa District Students USFJ DoDEA Enrollment Numbers SY 13/14 Projected Actual Percent Japan 8,370 8,419 100.6% Okinawa 7,754 7,693 99.2% Total 16,124 16,112 99.9% School Year Japan District Students Okinawa District Students SY10/11 8,442 7,779 SY 11/12 8,207 7,877 SY 12/13 8,419 7,693 School Numbers Japan District Okinawa District Air Force 21 7 USMC 2 6 Navy 9 Army 3