Child Sexual Exploitation & Modern Slavery Make a Change Team Charlie
Revised CSE definition – DofE Feb 2016 Child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse. It occurs where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, manipulate or deceive a child or young person under the age of 18 into sexual activity (a) in exchange for something the victim needs or wants, and/or (b) for the financial advantage or increased status of the perpetrator or facilitator. The victim may have been sexually exploited even if the sexual activity appears consensual. Child sexual exploitation does not always involve physical contact; it can also occur through the use of technology. Charlie
Indicators of Exploitation – LSCB CSE Toolkit Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk Poor self-image Repeat offending behaviour Street homelessness Experimenting with drugs or alcohol Bullying/threatening behaviour/violent outbursts Meeting adults through the internet Changes in behaviour – extreme secretiveness Getting into cars of men who are “strangers” Child under 13 engaging in sexual activity Superficial self-harm Multiple sexually transmitted infections Physical injuries – external/internal without clear explanation Access to premises not known to parent/carer Extensive use of phone, particularly late at night to “unknown” men Being identified in a “red light” area Regularly coming home late or going missing Non-school attendance or exclusion Associating with known sexually exploited children Associating with unknown adults Involvement in gang activity Being trafficked Charlie What indicators can they come up with – and where would they sit low/medium high?
Grooming Line Activity Charlie
Statistics - Suffolk Charlie
Charlie Make a Change Team average monthly referrals received 6.5 (averaged over the last 13 months).
Charlie Make a Change Team average monthly activities received 67.0 for 54.2 young people (averaged over the last 13 months).
Figures from May 2017 Charlie There were 84 activities received in May, 17 of which have been removed as they were not intended for MAC intervention – these cases either had concerns for a single child duplicated across siblings, an old assessment being authorised, risk boxes ticked in error or the activity being completed by another team. The remaining 67 activities were regarding 57 young people; this is a significant increase on the 58 activities (68 before removals) for 49 young people received last month. Figures from May 2017
Modern Slavery In 2013 , the term Modern Slavery was introduced in the UK to describe all offences previously described as human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and exploiters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. (taken from NCA Strategic Assessment – The Nature and Scale Of Human Trafficking in 2014) Jess The scale of modern slavery in the UK is both hidden and significant. Modern slavery crimes are committed across the UK. There has been year on year increase in the number of victims identified. A large number of active organised crime groups are involved in modern slavery. But it is also committed by individual opportunistic perpetrators.
Trafficking Human trafficking involves recruitment, harbouring or transporting people into a situation of exploitation through the use of violence, deception or coercion and forced to work against their will. People can be trafficked for many different forms of exploitation such as forced prostitution, forced labour, forced begging, forced criminality, domestic servitude, forced marriage, and forced organ removal. Jess Smuggling or trafficking? People often confuse human trafficking and people smuggling. People smuggling is the illegal movement of people across international borders for a fee. On arrival, the smuggled person is free. Human trafficking is different. The trafficker is moving a person for exploitation. There is no need to cross an international border. Human trafficking occurs at a national level, or even within one community.
Jess Data collated form the National Crime Agency published on 07/04/2017 3805 potential victims were submitted to the National Referral mechanism in 2016; this was a 17% increase on 2015. Reporting showed that potential victims of trafficking from 108 different Nationalities in 2016. Of the 3805 that were referred 1936 were females (51%) and 1864 males (48%). 1278 (34%) referred for exploitation were minors. Minor exploitation referrals increased 30% on 2015 totals. NCA Strategic Assessment – The Nature and Scale of Human Trafficking in 2014
Child Trafficking in Suffolk Many children are trafficked into the UK from abroad, but children can also be trafficked from one part of the UK to another. 2 Case Studies from Make a Change cases: Romania to England Lowestoft to London Jess Jess 2 case studies Prosecutions are rare – victims may afraid or reluctant to give evidence, trafficking networks can make it difficult to gather evidence on individuals