11.1 The Scramble for Africa


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Presentation transcript:

11.1 The Scramble for Africa

Africa is a CONTINENT not a country… In case you forgot!

Imperialism Imperialism: A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially


Imperialism Motives Economic Political Religious Exploratory Ideological Political Religious

Analyzing Imperial Motives

Industrialization Leads to Imperialism The Industrial Revolution pushed Europe to find more resources and raw materials to fuel their industries They competed for new markets and goods  Africa became the target Colonial Powers seized vast areas of Africa during the 19th and 20 centuries

Africa before European Dominance Ethnic groups – hundreds Languages – there were more than 1,000 Religion – mainly traditional (animism), also Islamic or Christian Politically – large empires to small Tribes Trade – specialized networks and items (Ivory and beeswax)

Europeans saw Africa as an unoccupied land waiting to be taken

The African Congo Europeans were unable to penetrate the inside of Africa because of disease and travel difficulties Dr. David Livingstone- Scottish missionary traveled to promote Christianity (went missing) Henry Stanley – an American journalist hired to find Livingstone and chart the Congo

King Leopold II of Belgium “I don't want to miss the chance of getting us a slice of this magnificent African cake.” Africa

Belgian Congo King Leopold II commissioned Stanley to help him obtain land in Congo Stanley signed treaties with local chiefs and took control of the lands 80 times larger than Belgium Claimed primary motive was to end slave trade & promote Christianity

Belgian control in congo Leopold’s companies brutally exploited Africans Forced them to collect sap from rubber plants 10 million Congolese died Belgian government finally took control away from Leopold

Driving Forces of Imperialism European nations needed natural resources, raw materials, and markets for their goods to improve their economies Belief in European Superiority: 1. National pride 2. Competition 3. Racism 4. Social Darwinism

-The Diamond Discovery in South Africa in the 1860s led to more countries joining the scramble for African territory -Further exploitation of Africans -Increased competition

SOCIAL DARWINISM Social theory (based on Charles Darwin’s scientific theories) that said that those who were fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior to others

Each nation was determined to take as much territory as possible The Europeans believed that an empire was proof of a nation’s greatness Each nation was determined to take as much territory as possible

Factors Promoting Imperialism SUPERIOR WEAPONS Machine gun – superior weaponry Steam engine: boats and trains – made travel easier Maxim gun

Factors Promoting Imperialism FAILED AFRICAN UNITY Variety of language and culture – did not encourage unity amongst Africans Rivalry amongst ethnic groups – kept Africans from uniting against the Europeans

The Division of Africa The discovery of diamonds and gold caused countries to join in the land scramble Berlin Conference (1884-85)- 14 European countries met to divide up African lands. A country could claim land by notifying other countries and controlling the area No African ruler was invited to attend

The Clash Over Africa 3 groups mainly fought over Africa: Africans, Dutch and British Europeans saw the lands as empty Local Wars in South Africa (Zulus v. British) Shaka Zulu controlled a large centralized state. When he died the British invaded the Zulu nation and was defeated by their superior weaponry

BOER The Boer War vs BOAR

The Boer War Boer Wars (Boers v. British) Boers are Dutch farmers, also known as Afrikaners who settled in South Africa Diamonds and gold were discovered in S. Africa - rush of people came to get rich A rebellion broke out – the Boers blamed the British This was the first “total” war Ultimately the British won the war

Who had the biggest piece of the “cake” in the end? 1913 Who had the biggest piece of the “cake” in the end? 1848

QUIZ WIZ What is imperialism? A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, economically, or socially

How did the Industrial Revolution influence European imperialism? QUIZ WIZ How did the Industrial Revolution influence European imperialism? The Industrial Revolution pushed Europe to find more resources and raw materials to fuel their industries

QUIZ WIZ Why did King Leopold lose control of the Belgian Congo? The harsh treatment and exploitation of Congolese people

Most Africans were not wealthy QUIZ WIZ How does Social Darwinism support European’s idea of racial superiority? Social Darwinism: Social theory that said that those who were fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior to others Most Africans were not wealthy

QUIZ WIZ What are the factors that promoted imperialism? Machine gun – superior weaponry Steam engine: boats and trains – made travel easier Variety of language and culture – did not encourage unity amongst Africans Rivalry amongst ethnic groups – kept Africans from uniting against the Europeans

QUIZ WIZ Why weren’t Africans allowed at the Berlin Conference? They wouldn’t accept Europeans claiming their lands

QUIZ WIZ What was the result of the Boer War? British beat the Dutch and settled in South Africa