Transportation Bookkeeper Training 17/18 Aimee Stolp – Support Technician
Transportation Website Departments Transportation Field Trips Field Trip Info Field Trip Forms Voucher Log Common Carrier Tour Company Field Trip Support Aimee Stolp, Support Technician 904.858.6218
Contractors Area Serviced Contractor Phone Beaches & Arlington Student Transportation of America - LEE 720-2177 Northside and Core City First Student New Berlin 751-9828 Northwest First Student Commonwealth 598-2880 Southside & Mandarin Durham School Services 731-4150 Westside Student Transportation of America - PEAVY 661-2370
Planning your trip Request should be made TWO weeks in advance. No less than ONE week. Late requests my not be serviceable and could be denied. Request must be made via email on prescribed Field Trip Request Form. Field trips should occur between 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM. Must leave destination site to allow enough time to have bus back at school no later than 1:30 or the requested return time. Try to avoid scheduling field trips on Early Release days. All field trips are subject to a one hour minimum on school days and a 3 hour minimum on non-school days. Miles are paid round trip (including one-way trips).
Planning your trip (continued) Contractors cannot guarantee AC or larger capacity buses. Standard REG bus capacity is 65. 22 seats * 3 to a seat. ESE capacity is 22. Availability of buses is limited per time slot. Review Confirmations to ensure your requested services are confirmed as requested.
Request Form Complete all Fields Contact Information should be the Trip Sponsor. Should request 2 weeks in advance. Today’s Date Contact Information Special Instructions Departure time is the time the bus will arrive at your school. Confirmation should be verified to ensure all details of the request are met.
Athletics Request Form Used by Athletic Directors and Coaches. Should request 2 weeks in advance. Contact Information should be the Coach that will be with the team. Departure time is the time the bus will arrive at your school. Confirmations should be verified to ensure all requests are met.
Contractors Field Trip Contact Service Area Vendor # FEIN: Check Payment Address Field Trip Coordinator Dedicated Cell & Email Durham Southside / Mandarin 26052 59-3320487 5834 Richard St. Jax, FL 32216 Johanne Boyd 904.305.3072 First Student Commonwealth Northwest 29834 59-2364035 22157 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673 JoAnn Jones 904.509.4616 First Student New Berlin Northside/Core City STA LEE Beaches / Arlington 29797 22-3512226 340 Lee Rd. Jax, FL 32225 Jason Haywood 904.874.6440 STA PEAVY Westside 1142 Peavy Road Jax, FL 32254 Cindy Ulmer 904.760.2092
Voucher Train Trip Sponsors Complete all Fields Bus Driver’s Name Bus Number Purpose Destination Vendor Information Calculations Special trip details Beginning time is the requested time of the bus. One voucher per bus. Vouchers should be used for: No charge trips Common Carrier trips.
Voucher Calculation 08/14/2017 08/14/2017 45125 45175 45225 100 45125 45226 45276 50 + 50 = 100 151 9:30 10:00 1:00 1:17 4 hrs 3 hrs 47 min 9:30 10:00 1:00 1:17 1 + 1 = 2 hrs 4 100 22.36 0.70 8.10 89.44 70.00 65.61 225.05 84251 645789 84251 5000147414 IR5101471474
FIELD TRIP COMPENSATION CHART 17-18 Field Trip Rate $22.36/Hour Escalates annually $0.70/Mile paid in 15-minute increments after the 1st hour, 16 hours/day max.
Field Trip Payments
Field Trip Payments
Field Trip Payments Accounts Payable Contact If your student’s benefit from the services, then your school is responsible. The relevant payment information (check #, check date, check amount) on the vouchers – including District and other organizations which is outside the approved payment guidelines. Follow through to IR on District paid trips. Send voucher number with payment. We are governed by the law and required to make prompt payment to our Contractors. Contractors are not going to be lenient, too much arrearage, service could be affected. Accounts Payable Contact Kristy Taylor – 390-2331
Field Trip Voucher Logs Goldenrod Field Trip Vouchers should be sent to Transportation as they are paid. Field Trip Voucher Logs are due to Transportation Business Office twice a year: 1st semester: by December 31 (optimally before Winter Break) 2nd semester: by June 30th
STEAM trips are for Title 1 schools. Generally schools are not allowed to make changes to their STEAM schedules. All scheduling issues/changes, including increases and decreases in enrollment, must be communicated to Transportation. Changes will be funneled through the Arts Department with the venue. Once the venue clears the changes, Transportation will revise and re-issue the STEAM schedule to the school. Permission slips are required for all trips. No vouchers are needed for these trips. Approval is required monthly for invoicing. If Bookkeeper is not the point of contact, let Aimee know.
Compare to testing schedule. All scheduling issues/changes, including increases and decreases in enrollment, must be communicated to Transportation. Changes will be funneled through the Arts Department with the venue. Once the venue clears the changes, Transportation will revise and re-issue the STEAM schedule to the school. Library – K, 4th, 7th Grades Permission slips are required for all trips. No vouchers are needed for these trips. Confirmation should be sent immediately after trip is taken. Middle school readiness. If Bookkeeper is not the point of contact, let Aimee know.
Common Carriers Three quotes required before booking. Book Early! NO PREPAYMENTS $300/bus deposit Two PRs per trip: 1st for deposit to be GR’d before the trip is taken. 2nd for balance to be GRd after trip is taken (reference deposit PR). Approved list and instructions on Transportation’s webpage.
Field Trip Automation Project Automated process from cradle to grave Web-based workflow process. Interacts with KEV and SAP. Intended to streamline process, eliminate paper, and resolve payment issues. Moving forward Work flows are complete. Identifying specific requirements of system. Test end of school 17-18.
After School Activities Buses scheduled to start 08-21-2017. ASA routes online around 08.01.2017. Make all requests through designated contact at your school. Erika Harding – Make request with enough time to allow Transportation 3 days to respond.
Questions? Email Aimee Stolp and copy Lisa Bushnell